FS Closed Tellico!


rock star
Fruita, Co
The public comment period closed today, and so did the trail. Odd don't you think? I sent off a comment during the public comment period, for all the good it did.
The more of this stuff I read the more concerned I am getting over the future, [of our sport].


rock star
Fruita, Co
I just got my e-mail from the FS about the closure. They already have proposals to "fix " the trail, and open it back up. But it includes paving parts of the trail.

To the FS credit, sounds like they are trying to keep it open as much as they can.
It is a lot of reading , but here is the crux of the e-mail: ( I cut out a bunch. If someone wants the whole thing I'll add it)

Dear Interested Parties:
I am seeking comments on a proposal to implement a series of road and trail modifications and
other management actions for the Upper Tellico Off-Highway Vehicle Road and Trail System
(hereafter, the OHV System). The intent would be to greatly reduce the amount of soil leaving
the road and trail system and entering the Tellico River and its tributaries as well as provide an
OHV trail system. This outcome depends on three categories of activities: modifying the current
road and trail system so that it can be maintained in the future without extraordinary maintenance
costs; an intense period of initial heavy maintenance and some rerouting to fix existing problems;
and managing the conditions of OHV use so as to reduce the potential for future soil loss.
This proposal is a starting point for discussion among people with an interest in and knowledge
of the Upper Tellico area. We expect many other ideas to surface and alternatives to this
proposal will certainly be considered.
The OHV System is located in Cherokee County North Carolina, about 13 miles north of
Murphy. The 39.5 miles of existing roads and trails that comprise the system are concentrated
within an area approximately 6,000 acres in size. The area borders Monroe County, Tennessee,
and the OHV System is accessible from both states.
Proposed Action
The proposed action would reduce the trail system from its current 39.5 miles (all mileage
figures are approximate) to 24 miles and would implement use-management techniques
including seasonal and wet weather closures to reduce damage to the trail surfaces and
thereby reduce sedimentation potential and long term maintenance costs. Over five miles of
the 15.5 mile reduction in the proposed system are simply due to a status change to what is
now known as Trail 1 (a.k.a. Davis Creek Rd. or Tipton Creek Rd.). It would be improved to
become suitable only for street-legal vehicles. Another three miles of the length reduction is
due to a status change for Trail 2 (see details below). Other proposed changes: Trails 9 and
12 would be closed completely; Trails 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 would remain open at least in
part; Trails 10A and 11 would stay on the system conditionally, to be re-evaluated in two
Many of the trail segments that are popular for high-challenge rock-crawler opportunities are
heavily eroded, have high potential for contributing sediment to nearby streams, and are
therefore proposed for closure and rehabilitation.
This proposed action would require amending standards in the Nantahala and Pisgah Land
and Resource Management Plan (the Forest Plan) that specify approximate trail densities and
difficulty levels for OHV systems.
There is a need to stem the flow of sediment from the roads and trails that is entering
the Tellico River and its tributaries.
Your comments may be sent to Tusquitee District Ranger, 123 Woodland Drive, Murphy, NC
28906. Comments may also be sent via email to comments-southern-north-carolina-nantahalatusquitee@
fs.fed.us. We would appreciate receiving your comments by July 9, 2008.
We will be hosting an open house from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM on June 28, 2008 at the First Baptist
Church in Murphy, NC. See the enclosed announcement for details.
Thank you for your time and interest in our management activities on the Tusquitee Ranger
/s/ Steve Lohr
District Ranger
Cheoah/Tusquitee Ranger Districts
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Got this in an e-mail today :mad:

Ruth Berner [rberner@fs.fed.us]; on behalf of; comments-southern-north-carolina-nantahala-tusquitee@fs.fed.us






Order Number 02-19-2009

Temporary Emergency Closure of Trails in the Upper Tellico OHV Trail and Road System

Pursuant to 36 C.F.R. § 261.50 (a) and (b) and in accordance with 36 C.F.R. § 212.52, the following acts are prohibited on the entire length of all National Forest System Trails and Roads located within the Upper Tellico OHV Trail and Road System, with exception of Trail TRUT-1/NFSR 420-1, NFSR 402 and that portion of Trail TRUT 2/NFSR 420-2 traversing from NFSR 402 to Jenks Gap, which will all remain open for use by registered, street legal motor vehicles only as further described on the Upper Tellico OHV Trail System Map. This closure is effective from April 1, 2009 until March 31, 2011, or earlier if the order is officially terminated by the Forest Supervisor.

Possession or use of a motorized vehicle on a road or trail within the Upper Tellico OHV Trail and Road system, which is closed by sign, gate or barricade. 36 C.F.R. § 261.54 (a) and (e) and 36 C.F.R. § 261.55 (a) and (b).
Pursuant to 36 C.F.R. § 261.50 (e), the following persons are exempted from this order:

  • Persons with a permit from the authorized Forest Service Officer specifically authorizing an otherwise prohibited act or omission.
  • Owners or lessees of land accessed by the specified trails are exempt from the prohibitions listed above to the extent necessary to gain access to their land.
  • Any Federal, State or local officer or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force working in the performance of an official duty.

Executed in Asheville, North Carolina this 31st day of March, 2009

[FONT=&quot] /s/ Marisue Hilliard [/FONT][FONT=&quot] _[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] Forest Supervisor[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] National Forests in North Carolina[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]Violation of these prohibitions set forth above is punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000 for an individual and $10,000 for an organization, or imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or both. See 16 U.S.C. 551, 18 U.S.C. 3559 and 3571.[/FONT]

Forest Supervisor’s Orders for the
Upper Tellico Off-Highway Vehicle System
USDA Forest Service Southern Region​
Nantahala National Forest​
Tusquitee Ranger District​
Cherokee County, North Carolina​


I have decided to put into force a Forest Supervisor’s Order for the Upper Tellico Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) System on the Tusquitee Ranger District of the Nantahala National Forest. This decision is based on information gathered during site-specific condition surveys and comprehensive environmental analysis conducted from October 2007 through January 2009, and on public comments received during scoping of a proposed action for the long term management of the System. The Order implements the following management measures:

Pursuant to 36 C.F.R. § 261.50 (a) and (b) and in accordance with 36 C.F.R. § 212.52, the following acts are prohibited on the entire length of all National Forest System Trails and Roads located within the Upper Tellico OHV Trail and Road System, with exception of Trail TRUT-1/NFSR 420-1, NFSR 402 and that portion of Trail TRUT 2/NFSR 420-2 traversing from NFSR 402 to Jenks Gap, which will all remain open for use by registered, street legal motor vehicles only as further described on the Upper Tellico OHV Trail System Map. This closure is effective from April 1, 2009 until March 31, 2011, or earlier if the order is officially terminated by the Forest Supervisor.

Possession or use of a motorized vehicle on a road or trail within the Upper Tellico OHV Trail and Road system, which is closed by sign, gate or barricade. 36 C.F.R. § 261.54 (a) and (e) and 36 C.F.R. § 261.55 (a) and (b).
Pursuant to 36 C.F.R. § 261.50 (e), the following persons are exempted from this order:

  • Persons with a permit from the authorized Forest Service Officer specifically authorizing an otherwise prohibited act or omission.
  • Owners or lessees of land accessed by the specified trails are exempt from the prohibitions listed above to the extent necessary to gain access to their land.
  • Any Federal, State or local officer or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force working in the performance of an official duty.


The purpose of this temporary, emergency closure is to provide short-term resource protection for the Upper Tellico watershed, while allowing time to complete environmental analysis, public review and comment prior to implementation of a forthcoming long term management decision.
Direction in the Land and Resource Management Plan for the Nantahala National Forest (Amendment 5, 1994) identifies the lands within the Upper Tellico OHV Area as existing in Management Areas 1B and 2C and 4D. The description for these management areas state “These lands are managed to provide opportunities for public enjoyment of the Forest through motorized recreation – driving for pleasure in conventional and four-wheel-drive vehicles as well as machines commonly classified as ORV’s. While these uses will be encouraged on appropriate roads and trails, use will not be allowed to damage the Forests’ environment.” (MA 1B, p. III-57). Also, “Provide opportunities for vehicles commonly classified as ORV’s on designated routes primarily within designated ORV areas... if such use does not adversely affect other resources.” (MA 2C, p. III-67). Also, “Maintain roads to accommodate the intended use and to protect resources. Identify where existing designated four-wheel drive ways do not meet water quality standards and develop strategies to bring them into compliance. (MA 4D p III-88 ) These actions are needed to correct ongoing impacts to area waters and aquatic resources caused by sediment from the Upper Tellico road and trail system.


  • Tellico Closure Order Map 03.31.jpg
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