girlfiend or jeep?

CJ Matt

Registered User
With the girlfriend being crazy I would keep the Jeep.
When I bought my Jeep I had a girlfriend living with me. I was being nice and paying all the bills so she could get her finances straightened out. When she commented on the money I was spending on the Jeep I let her know that she had absolutely no say in how I spent my money. It did not end the relationship but it didn’t help it either. She is now gone but not the Jeep.:)

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
I'd take crazy girlfriend over Jeep as long as she is just a grilfriend. Its when you marry them that it becomes a problem! (glad my wife is out of town so I could type that :hickey:)

On second thought if you don't have a Jeep you really can't get too far away from them...

Buy a Toyota and rid yourself of two headaches :rofl:


Oops i did it again
Springville, Ut
The ex told me that i was spending way to much money on my jeep so i mentioned to her to get a job. Didnt go well so got rid of the girl and kept the jeep. Best thing i ever did, I picked up another girl a week later. Lord knows it would have taken months if not longer to find another jeep i liked. So can the crazy chic and pic a new one up they come easy these days

Green Leader

Active Member
Riverton, UT
You shouldn't have to choose in the first place. IMO

I would have to agree with this, if my wife made me choose we would have a big problem. But since he has to and she is just a GIRL.....FRIEND your not married. You only have one headache getting a Yota would introduce a second. But pictures could sure influence ones opinion.


Poker of the Hornets Nest
you shouldn't have to choose between your hobbies and your girl.. Find a girl that likes Jeeps you will get more millage out of both of them that way plus then you can get action in the Jeep (best of both worlds) :)


Well-Known Member
I guess I scored. My wife says the Jeep belongs to her. We both enjoy spending time wheeling. She gets mad when I go with a buddy. It is about the only chance that we get to spend time together without the distractions of everything else going on in life.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Crazy = bad news....but there is a direct relationship between how much crazy is tolerable, and how hot the crazy chick is. ;) Oh, how shallow!

Really though, if she can't coexist with your interests and hobbies right now, then it's probably best to look for a new one (girl, not hobby).