Gold Rush Expeditions


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Who we are...

Gold Rush Expeditions Inc. is a not for profit organization dedicated to the preservation and documentation of Utah's Mines and Ghost Towns. Utah has a rich heritage in Mining which has resulted in many historic ghost towns and mining camps across the state.

However, these sites are in danger from many threats such as vandals and looters who will tear down old buildings and sell the wood. Or worse yet, burn the structures and leave the area a shambles.

These sites are also under constant attack from the Division of Oil, Gas and Mining whose goal is to close every abandoned mine in the state, viewing them not as historical but as dangerous sites. With a slogan of "Stay Out and Stay Alive", they propagate the myths that these mines are dangerous deathtraps, which they are not, as evidenced by the fact that most mines in the state are still extremely stable and interesting to explore.

Gold Rush Expeditions Inc. takes a different approach to all this. The mines that are found in the state of Utah are the type that will never be seen again. They are mines dug with the sweat and blood of manual labor, each cut into the stone, and each shaft, meticulously worked with a pride that is not seen now a days.

These mines are the epitome of the American Dream. These miners slaved away in these mines with the hope that they would “strike it rich”. Some did, some didn’t. Then there are the Spanish mines, dotting the landscape, worked by Indian miners enslaved to help enrich the crown of Spain.

So what we are left with is an amazing heritage across the state that is very rapidly vanishing. Sites that I visited 10 years ago are no longer there. They have been burned, bulldozed and reclaimed. These destroyed and reclaimed sites sit rotting in the deserts and canyons of Utah, no longer any use to anyone, all their historical value gone and the heritage lost forever.

What we do...

GRE Inc has traveled across the state, numerous times. Documenting sites and researching lost stories. These travels are displayed on this website in the galleries so that you can see what is out there. Or what was... We also work on public awareness, giving speeches to civic groups and speaking out against the destruction brought by the Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program (Oil Gas and Mining). After all, its not just mines that are being destroyed, it's the entire western culture. Cowboys, Indians, lost treasures and more...

Want to help??

Have something to offer? Time, effort, research? Or maybe you have information on a site you would like to see preserved or documented. GRE Inc. is always looking for volunteers with a passion for the West who want to see it preserved. We also keep a comprehensive listing of sites in the state. Some we have visited, some we have not. But, we welcome the information and the chance to save a site. Have any questions? Check the links below, or email us at the address below and we will respond in a timely manner.

check out the web sight:

We try and have an outing everyother week, and we would love to have you join us!
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I guess this is an official welcome then. Post up more of your reports, I know a lot of us enjoy them. :cool:
I am an avid mining buff!! Most of the mine sites I visit are in Colorado, but I have been to a few in Utah. You are right about them destroying our past, it has happened here in Colorado too.:mad2: Glad you are here:). I have been reading your article in The Compass when I get free time as well.