Jeep Good Old Lions Back. And the guy who talks to god and asks for angels.


uıɐƃɐ ʇɐɥʇ op ʇ,uoʍ ı
Bountiful, UT's+back&pl=true#

Holy cats. That guy really conquered his fears. :eek:
It looks real easy on the internet, but I admit it was a bit scary in person. I sure did enjoy Hells Revenge though.
I was somewhat disappointed that LB was closed when I visited, but as I nearly put the rental on it's lid on Baby Lions Back, it was probably just as well. Nobody told me what Hells Revenge was like, so I just drove it too. I think the rental place told me not to though. Oops.
@ 9:50 "I am frightened out of my skull, which is now empty, because if I had something in it, I wouldn't be doing this."
@15:35 "You can do this. Because you have balls of steel! And you're stupid."
@16:04 "I paid $10 do this! Hi, I'd like to die, here's $10, thanks."
@17:28, he starts talking to God.
@18:15, you finally get to see Micah. He looks like a defeated man. I bet he went and took a nap after that.

I think the license plate is Canadian?
I wouldn't have shown that video to anyone. LOL!

Yeah, I watched the whole thing. I love Moab.


uıɐƃɐ ʇɐɥʇ op ʇ,uoʍ ı
Bountiful, UT
Why isn't this in the "Trails" section?? and Lions Back has been closed for years.
Maybe because it's been closed for years? :confused:
Probably because I don't know wth I am doing. :D

I was glad it was closed when I was there, actually. Then I wouldn't be tempted to try it. I drove Hells Revenge and decided that I missed Jeeps enough to get another one and crack open my wallet henceforth. Every day.


Formerly black_ZJ
Maybe because it's been closed for years? :confused:
Probably because I don't know wth I am doing. :D

I was glad it was closed when I was there, actually. Then I wouldn't be tempted to try it. I drove Hells Revenge and decided that I missed Jeeps enough to get another one and crack open my wallet henceforth. Every day.

Indeed, I just put new shocks on the other day and will be replacing bushings next week, it really never ends. But at least the Jeep has been paid off for 8 years and I know how to do all the work myself.