Google is the barn wall in Animal Farm. Stop using google.


somewhat damaged


Formerly Beardy McGee
Anyone who has doubts, simply test the search ques in google search yourself... "men can" vs "women can" & "women that" vs "men that"; pretty obvious. Google feels that it's their duty to society to shape reality and bend facts under the guise of "fairness" to all... which is really fairness to their political beliefs.
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Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
Duckduckgo is what I've been using for a couple years now. I still type "" out of habit though, and I still need to replace my gmail with something.

Kevin B.

Not often wrong. Never quite right.
It's probably too late though. I'm pretty sure we're headed into a sort of corporate feudalism, and it'll keep getting worse until it's bad enough that there's a second wave of revolutions. The new crop of libertarians, if they're smart, will include language in their various manifestos and Constitutions that doesn't restrict just Government power, but all power. And things'll improve across the board until the power starts concentrating again and finds a way around those restrictions and etc. ad nauseum.

Unless tech has progressed to the point that the powers that be can prevent that second wave of revolutions from succeeding, and then I dunno.


But stuck more often.
Anyone who has doubts, simply test the search ques in google search yourself... "men can" vs "women can" & "women that" vs "men that"; pretty obvious. Google feels that it's their duty to society to shape reality and bend facts under the guise of "fairness" to all... which is really fairness to their political beliefs.

I enjoyed these options in the auto fill. I have to say though, unless google is brainwashing me, I don't they will be able to influence my decisions. Maybe I'm missing the point.



Well-Known Member
duck duck for search, search results are pretty different. Firefox for browser, one small step, no time for home mail server/vpn build right now so continue on gmail till then.

ID Bronco

Registered User
Idaho Falls, ID
I'm not computer savvy

Is duckduckgo the way to go? Does adding it to chrome screw everything up or will it be awesome? Is a personal vpn like norton vpn a good way to go if I have not idea or interest in setting up my own system at home. I want it to work with work too, but work uses gmail.


Well-Known Member
Using duck duck with chrome is fine, but google is still data mining everything. I like FF, that was a switch due to chrome being terrible on Linux at the time/still. I now realized the difference in "we respect your privacy" and "we say we respect your privacy", not just google..... Samsung, FB, IG ect....
I know FF is not the answer, but I notice enough of a difference in what is truly stored, and when I opt out of all their extra stuff, they don't track like google does.

My opinion on pay for VPN (if for privacy), all US data-centers are required to yield to any 3letter gov agency. If the DC/company is large enough, those agencies will have their own rack of servers behind heavily fortified lock and key, for quick transfer of files, only seen that happen a few times at the company I worked for, and was for a good cause.
If the VPN is for true privacy, you will need something in iceland/norway and that just causes lag, so depending on what you want to do through the vpn, but it might be annoying for streaming/gaming. If it is the US, and many other places, everything will be logged and obtainable that means someone can still see everything you do.

The personal mail server is so that my information is mine, not googles to have a bot to go through it and store that data to use whenever/where ever they want.
VPN is more or less to see if I can do it, I consider myself terrible with networking and have been moving away from the easy to manage stuff to try and get better in that area.


somewhat damaged
Honestly, you're not gonna get away from the NSA dragnet, no matter which vpn you use. However, I recommend using vpn to keep comcrap or google's nose out of your data (depending on your service provider).

Make sure your DNS servers are not set to google (
Don't use google chrome.
Duckduckgo is good, but not fool proof. I'm sure there are issues with them.

We use gmail for RME's email (external, nothing to do with the forum), but that will change very soon.

Sadly, they will still get some of your data. Their net is wide. There's an entry on Stack Overflow (developer board) about catching google trying to activate audio on a device from an advertisement. They are doing this to try to fingerprint devices because I guess the tracking and ad blocking is putting a dent in it.

The carpet baggers have full on infiltrated the wild west of the internet and it's getting ugly.

Some of you might think this is silly, but China already has a profile with a "social credit score" for you. Yes you, an American. They just migrated a copy of this system into Australia.


Active Member
Honestly, you're not gonna get away from the NSA dragnet, no matter which vpn you use. However, I recommend using vpn to keep comcrap or google's nose out of your data (depending on your service provider).

Make sure your DNS servers are not set to google (
Don't use google chrome.
Duckduckgo is good, but not fool proof. I'm sure there are issues with them.

We use gmail for RME's email (external, nothing to do with the forum), but that will change very soon.

Sadly, they will still get some of your data. Their net is wide. There's an entry on Stack Overflow (developer board) about catching google trying to activate audio on a device from an advertisement. They are doing this to try to fingerprint devices because I guess the tracking and ad blocking is putting a dent in it.

The carpet baggers have full on infiltrated the wild west of the internet and it's getting ugly.

Some of you might think this is silly, but China already has a profile with a "social credit score" for you. Yes you, an American. They just migrated a copy of this system into Australia.

Whats a social credit score??