Great Basin Challenge ?

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
I just saw an email saying that the Great Basin Challenge June 10th has been canceled due to land use conflicts.

This is really disturbing as the criteria the Fillmore BLM office gave as to what an event is and when a permit is required is much more restrictive than any I have heard of before. While this is only the Fillmore field office, I would hate to see this spread to other areas.

What can we do to to help rectify this situation ?

Todd Adams

Grammy's Spotter
Salt Lake City
rebarguy said:
I just saw an email saying that the Great Basin Challenge June 10th has been canceled due to land use conflicts.

This is really disturbing as the criteria the Fillmore BLM office gave as to what an event is and when a permit is required is much more restrictive than any I have heard of before. While this is only the Fillmore field office, I would hate to see this spread to other areas.

What can we do to to help rectify this situation ?
Each district office has the ability to set the cap number on a non-commercial event. Moab is 50 and Fillmore has set their number at 6. (nationally it is 75 vehicles in the Forest) I am not sure if contacting the state BLM office would be the right thing to do or not to complain to the acting state director that this action by the Fillmore office is hurting the groups trying to do the right thing.

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
scoutabout said:
Whoa! What happened? Did they rescind the permit, or was the permit never issued? What's the story?

I would like to hear more of the story firsthand, but I would guess that a permit was never issued.

The general guidelines I use as to what is an event in the area I live, is that as long as it is a non commercial event, that you don't charge or advertise to the public and you have less than 50 vehicles, then you can get by without a permit. Also, you haven't needed a permit for a non commecial monthly club type ride.

There are a lot of other groups besides 4x4 enthusiasts who use BLM lands like mountain bikers and equestrians and even hikers. If they enforce more stringent requirements on the 4x4 users, what about the other groups?