Greens can enter case over roads in Juab


Who Dares Wins
Thats interesting that they are able to defend something that they have no legal claim too. I wonder what the precedent for that is? This is not unexpected, but disappointing to be sure. SUWA and their ilk will likely lose the fight in district court, but expect them to appeal as much as they can and force the county, state and federal governments to spend countless millions defending something that probably would have been solved much quicker without regressive organizations like SUWA and the Sierra Club's involvement.
I wonder, can we sue them for lost tax dollars resulting form all the cases that they have lost over the past 20 years?
I wonder, can we sue them for lost tax dollars resulting form all the cases that they have lost over the past 20 years?

That's an interesting idea. At least the cases they lost for sure.

My challenge to SUWA is still open: spend 10% of your litigation budget on enforcement of existing ohv laws and education of ohv users.

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Any case that goes before Tena Campbell is a foregone conclusion. Her only intent is to try and twist legal precedents to fit SUWA's agenda. All you can do is wait for a case to go through her "court" and then get her decision overturned on appeal. Very expensive.