Hanging Tree Trail; Memorial Day run?


Recovering XJ owner anonymous
Southern Utah
I think this weekend is gonna be great up there. But there have been a few changes. I will say that members of RME4x4 have been among the best. We appreciate that, thank you!

1. The property at the main XL Canyon gate is now 100% Tom's. Further up the county road there is another gate, and that is Karl's. His view is the same- stay on the county road. There are no livestock expected on either properties. If a gate is open leave it open. If a gate is closed, close it.

2. The road that goes from Dry Canyon along Dry Creek to the county road is still private only, though people still ignore that. Plans are in the works to block the road off. Please do not use it.

3. No shooting or going off the main road. It's too dry and can start a fire. A few years ago a kid took his ATV off road and even with a spark arresttor it still started a fire.

4. Still no parking at "the wedge". I quit putting signs up because the signs kept getting stolen. There are still 3 T-posts up, though.

5. Do not use the property inside the gate for staging, aka loading or unloading trailers. UNLESS you have made arrangements for parking.

6. If you want to park OR CAMP within the gate, call me. Arrangements can still be made. $5 per vehicle/trailer combo, $2 per trailerless vehicle, camping, tack on another $5 per night. The parking and camping rights will be only for Tom's property, not Karl's.

7. Active or reserve US military no charge (but must still be cleared by me).

8. If you can pack it in you can pack it out. Packing out extra garbage is appreciated.

9. Be nice to everyone. Even the short fat guy with a mohawk. :)

10. My strong suggestion is, even if you end up camping on BLM land, camp out. Spend every waking moment you can to enjoy this country. You only live once. Enjoy it.

Thanks. We will be parking at the college and just driving through. Thanks for the information.
Update2- Ephraim is have their Scandinavian Days Festival this weekend. Supposed to be the best they've ever had. Lots of games, food, drinks, and who knows what else. Starts Friday, with a parade and several marathon runs Saturday.
All went well I hope. The Scandinavian Days thing did ok. Bigest one yet (IIRC), but then, it's Ephraim. Where I'm from when the community parties, they're usually sweeping up the garbage from around the passed out drunks around 5 am. Here, they roll up the sidewalks around 6pm. How sad.


nothing to see here...
Payson, Utah
Was loaded and checking trailer tires and my knee decided to lock up like something is caught in there. Happened once before and thought I was in the clear. 🤷‍♂️ Can’t even get in the damn truck at the moment. I’ll shoot Herzog a text if I’m not on the road here soon. F. 🙄


somewhat damaged
Was loaded and checking trailer tires and my knee decided to lock up like something is caught in there. Happened once before and thought I was in the clear. 🤷‍♂️ Can’t even get in the damn truck at the moment. I’ll shoot Herzog a text if I’m not on the road here soon. F. 🙄
Sorry we missed you Von! I hope the knee gets better.

Awesome ride today! I will get photos posted in a new thread as soon as I can (unless somebody beats me to it, which is likely)


nothing to see here...
Payson, Utah
Sorry we missed you Von! I hope the knee gets better.

Awesome ride today! I will get photos posted in a new thread as soon as I can (unless somebody beats me to it, which is likely)
Thx man, hope y’all had a good ride and looking forward to those pics. Gonna try to get in to the family knee/joint specialist tomorrow and see what the hell. 🙄