Have not recieved my EJS Registration!


I noticed that someone on here had recieved their registration on the 14th and I have not recieved mine yet. Am I the only one? I know that I live in Nebraska, and it will take a little longer, but am I going to need to resubmit, or am I going to be SOL on getting registered?

I am not sold on registering yet, but thought I might for a trail or two.

I will be there for the 19-20-21st

I am a relatively newbie in Moab.

Been three times, and only for 1/2 a day with the Jeep!


By endurance we conquer
Give them a call. I don't know the number, but I'm sure it's online.
The last time I registered for the safari they lost my registration. They didn't lose my money though. Some of the days if you are not with the safari then you will have a harder time running some of the trails.

I bet you'll be getting it soon.


I hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, and appreciate the offer, but I am a teacher and do not know the schools fax number. Is there any way that you can scan it and e-mail it? If not, I will look into the fax thing!



RUKKASTIXX Motorsports
Highland, Utah
The phone number is 435-259-rock or just call the checker in Moab and ask for Curtis.435-259-9449 He is a member and trail leader. He can mail you a paper or have someone do it. In my opinion half the fun of EJS is reading the paper.


I faxed my new registration to rr4w today and hope I get the paper soon. After losing my registration for my cabin that I set up over the phone last april and now the registration for the paper, I am getting frustrated, but I can not wait to get there!

Triple the cost of lodging is going to make a major cut in budget for running trails with rr4w, but I will definitely sign up for at least one trail.

Thanks for all of your help!


Oh. . . I'm going!!!!!!!

There is no doubt about that. I spend way too much time amongst the cornfields to miss an oportunity to be in the rocks.

As far as Kane Creek goes, that is the one trail in Moab that I have had the Jeep on so far, so that is one that I will not run this trip. Thanks for the suggestion!!!!


Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
I sent this link to Ber Knight, who sends out the papers. He responded,

What a chore to go through all that stuff to finally find out who is having the problem! I see the name and e-mail address (no maililng address) on the last posting. He called this morning just as we were to leave for G.J. He was in the Jan. 11 mailing, hence I ignored the 1/24 FAX. His paper was in a sack going to the ADC in Omaha, which should have been rather direct routing. My policy now is that people who call and have not received the paper by now (even though 3 weeks is not unheard of for bulk mail) really need one, and I am sending another copy First Class. He was satisfied that his second copy will go out tomorrow.
Our other known problem area is central California. A 3-digit sack to 959xx apparently got there 1/25. A few that were in an ADC sack that went to Sacramento (some 95xxx and a few 96xxx zips) are running late or lost. I've sent some there, too.