I looked seriously (very seriously) into this. Particulary Silver States. It's a lot more than $30k, more in the area of $54,000 (according to my cousin who just completed the course) for the two year course. I was told $30,000 in a lot of places but they're leaving things out. Then you can get a job as an instructor which pays sucky (but I still think it would be sweet). Then you build your hours and hopefully get a real job, and if you do, you make bank. My cousin just completed his course and now is an instructor, however the only openings were in Idaho so he moved there for a $30k a year job. He's been there for a year and a half now. He's still very optimistic about it and loves it but he had the money to spend, 54k is too much for me to pledge to a hope.
So talking to him it sounded great. Sounds like fun, talking to the instructors they all told me the same thing. Vets are being forced to retire leaving a large demand for commercial helicopter pilots so soon as you get out you're sure to be making big bucks and hanging out with hot babes and celebrities. However, I talked to two friends of mine who privately own and fly helicopters and both of them told me the market was saturated with pilots looking for jobs with all the helicopter schools opening up.
Anyway, I can try to get you my cousins number. I'm sure he'd be glad to talk to you about it. As for the other two pilots, I'm not sure when I'll see them next. One is my ex's dad, he owns and flies his own just for the fun of it. The other guy is one I know from my home ward who bought a few helicopters as a business venture and did some avalanche control with them, and even thought about estabolishing a flight school.