Hello All


Registered User
I have been lurking here for a while. I finnally decided to sign up and introduce myself. My name is Kendall. I live in Spainsh Fork UT. I have several 4X4 trucks, I have a 1988 Suburban, a 1994 Chevy 1500 extended cab and the one you will probably hear most about is the newest to our family and it is a 1986 Toyota 4runner. I also have two vw baja bugs that I love to play with.
I am really new to rough 4x4 I am mostly use to moderate trails not the real tough ones so I will be asking all sorts of questions as I build this 4runner.
I hope I don't seem to hyper, it is just good to see a local site that I can get involed in. If I can help any of you out just let me know. I am here to learn and share whatever knowledge I may have that can help.
Thanks for having me,


Registered User
Hey thanks for the welcome.
As of yet I don't have any real good pics of my trucks but I will try and resolve that.
and no I don't know of anybody named jeff that i have worked for. :)