Helmet and smartphone? Meet bluetooth and speakers


I run a tight ship... wreck

I've been riding for years with some sort of music and communication from my GPS for some time, usually with ear plugs in. Listening to music while riding is something I love, helps the boring freeway riding go by much easier and pumps me up when riding in the dirt. Ear plugs aren't ideal though, they're illegal to ride with on the road in most states. Usually my ear plugs would partly fall out anyhow, but that was good because I could hear the bike, what was going on around me with traffic, etc and still hear my music when needed. The situation with a cord running to either my GPS (mounted behind the windscreen) or connected to my phone usually sucked, because well... I had a cord whipping around, getting tangled or snagged on something when I tried to stand up, ripping the ear plugs out of my ears... ouch!!

Here's what I used to put this together. (I saw this elsewhere online with the speakers and Jumbl and stole the idea, so this wasn't mine. ;) )

Smartphone w/ bluetoooth (Samsung Galaxy S6 in my case)

Quad Lock handlebar mount

Shoei Hornet X2 helmet

Jumbl Bluetooth Receiver

UCLEAR High Definition Speakers



Now you could do without the Quad Lock mount, but I like it because it makes accessing the phone easy. If the weather is bad or I'm in a lot of dirt, it'll go in the pocket.

I used some 3M Heavy Duty double sided tape to secure the Jumbl and speakers to the helmet, ran the remaining wires behind the helmet liner and stuck the Jumbl on the outside of the helmet. There wasn't a lot of length left for the plug from the speaker to the Jumbl, so I turned it on it's side. This my be take a bit of learning to remember how the volume controls work, being forward for + and backward for -, but I can deal with it. I use a few different apps for music, including Pandora and SiriusXM. The Shoei Hornet X2 has reliefs that fit speakers perfectly, so you remove the foam filler and place the speakers in and they sit flush with the rest of the lining of the helmet.







After getting it all together, I called the wife with the helmet on to see if she could hear me and despite the Jumbl being located on the outside/back part of the helmet she could hear me well enough to carry on a conversation and with my speakers, I could hear her great. I doubt it would work well while riding, unless you placed the Jumbl much closer to your mouth but then you have to deal with wind noise. At least this way I can see/hear who is calling, pull over if needed and answer the phone quickly with the Jumbl. The speakers pump out quality music, it's actually surprising that those little things create such decent bass!


I'm really excited about this setup, make me want to head out on another long ride and listen to my music without cords!