HELP! Toyota e-locker adjuster nut.


Santaquin, Utah
So I pulled apart my third member tonight and found that the threads on the elocker side adjuster nut are all stripped off and buggered. Does anyone have any idea where I can find a new one? Or is the only place to get one through the stealership? I could have my rear end rolled under tomorrow if I can find one.
Are you talking about the actual carrier bearing adjuster nut? The really big one? If so, call Cruiser Outfitters - they may have a factory Toy one. If they don't, off to the dealer with you. But either way, I don't know of anybody that produces an aftermarket one. A used one may be tough to source unless you find someone with a 'sploded locker they would part out.

Good luck!
I'm assuming you need the large locker-side nut, not the other side? The smaller of the two is a "normal" nut, and I have a few of them left over from ARB installs. The large one will have to be purchased like Bryson said. :(
This is the one.

