Help with homework......


Active Member
Heber City
I am in a public speaking class up here at Utah State, and i am writeing a speech on the closer of trails. Like Corner Canyon. i saw a tread here, about it but i can't find it. If anyone can help me with the topic of why corner canyon has been closed? please let me know that would be helpful thank you.


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Supporting Member
I did a speech on rs2477 back when I was in college. I'll sell it to ya ;)


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Supporting Member
it was ok. Not as awesome as the speech I wrote about the most influential person in my life where everyone else did Brigham Young or their father/mother/grandfather. I did the Notorious BIG.

I also wrote a case brief about Clinton's roadless initiative in an upper division persuasion theory class.


Formerly WJ ZUK
it was ok. Not as awesome as the speech I wrote about the most influential person in my life where everyone else did Brigham Young or their father/mother/grandfather. I did the Notorious BIG.

I also wrote a case brief about Clinton's roadless initiative in an upper division persuasion theory class.

We always knew you wanted to be african american and die in a east/west rapper gun battle:p