Help with Writng Project: Land use

Hey, I need to write a few papers for my writing class and I'd like to write on Public Land Use, specific to OHV use.
I will be writing multiple projects and will put them all together for a final Writing Campaign. I am not asking for anyone to write for me, just for help finding relevant sources and information. Perhaps your ideas and thoughts on the projects could also help me write.
A rough outline of what I need is a:
~Topic (Land Use: OHV)
~Issue (Impact/trail closure/irresponsible users/environmentalist groups)
~Argument/Proposal or Solution (A balance can be reached with responsible OHV use and the environmental impact)

Or something like that...

Not that it matters, but here is a list of the specific projects I am writing:
(Project 1-a) (either the letter or the public document), you are to think about a possible public context for such a document. Write the letter or public document as if it were going to enter the public context—that is, have a specific public audience in mind; consider what kind of letter or public document might actually reach that audience, considering your own position and that of your audience; organize and design it so that it would be acceptable and persuasive to the audience.
(Project 1-b) For the two- to three-page rhetorical analysis essay, you are to choose a source relevant to your genre piece—some document, article, website, or other source you found in doing the research for your genre piece. Using the following questions, analyze the rhetorical situation of your source:
(Project 2-a): (either the profile, the report, or the commentary), you are to think about a possible public context for such a document. Write the profile, report, or commentary as if it were going to enter the public context—that is, have a specific public audience in mind; consider what kind of profile, report, or commentary might actually reach that audience, considering your own position and that of your audience; organize and design it so that it would be acceptable and persuasive to the audience. For this piece of writing, you must do appropriate research, and cite it appropriately for the writing situation.
(Project 2-b): For the two- to three-page argument analysis essay, you are to choose a source relevant to your genre piece—some document, article, website, or other source that you found in doing the research for your genre piece. Using the following questions, analyze your source's
(Project 3-a): (either the proposal or the review), you are to think about a possible public context for such a document. Write the proposal or the review as if it were going to enter the public context—that is, have a specific public audience in mind; consider what kind of proposal or review might actually reach that audience, considering your own position and that of your audience; organize and design it so that it would be acceptable and persuasive to the audience. For this piece of writing, you must do appropriate research, and cite it appropriately for the writing situation.
(Project 3-b): For the two- to three-page visual rhetoric analysis essay, you are to choose a source relevant to your genre piece—some document, article, website, or other source that you found in doing the research for your genre piece. Using the following questions, analyze your source's visual rhetoric:
Final Project:
For the Collaborative Community Writing Campaign, you will work with one or more other writers
• to identify a community need or an issue of concern to the community;
• and to develop pieces of writing to address that community need or concern, with a public aim.
This set of pieces of writing will represent your collective rhetorical knowledge of a public issue, will create knowledge resources for that issue, and will enter the public discussion of the issue in some substantive ways. Your work should be ambitious, commensurate with what you should know from having worked through the first several assignments.

As you can see the projects are similar with the intent to build on one another and come together in the final writing campaign.

Any input would be appreciated! Who knows, perhaps my writing might actually have a public impact!
Thanks for your help!


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I have a ton of stuff from when I was in college. Some of it will be a little dated, but I'll send you what I have later on. shoot me an email address or something.


These go to 11
Look at the old issues of the compass for support materials. (when the site is back up)

Between those three you should have it covered.

I would love to reprint some of it when you are done.