Here is what SUWA thinks of the Obama victory


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah

The new Obama administration and Congress will give us an unprecedented opportunity to protect the redrock country.

I was deeply moved last night watching President-elect Obama’s acceptance speech. His words brought hope to those of us watching in Moab, as they did to the crowd in Chicago. In the midst of all the challenges facing our nation - the economy, the wars, a declining environment - I can believe again in a better future for my children.

Yes, we still must work hard to reverse the awful legacy of the Bush administration. But after eight long, hard years, we are about to face perhaps the best opportunity for wilderness protection in SUWA’s 25-year history.

The next Congress also brings us new opportunities for redrock wilderness designation. We have enormous work ahead to educate these new senators and representatives, but with your help, I know we can do it.

President-elect Obama recognizes the threats from climate change and understands we can’t drill our way to energy independence. His thoughtful views are welcome as these issues bear heavily on the future of the Colorado Plateau. And, he will bring a welcome change in leadership to key public land agencies. If he surrounds himself with appointees who understand the importance of wild country, wildlife, healthy landscapes, and a fit planet for our children, wilderness should do well.

We will encourage the new Secretary of Interior and staff at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to protect southern Utah’s wilderness, including such places as Labyrinth Canyon, the Dirty Devil, the San Rafael Swell and Cedar Mesa by:

Reviewing disastrous last minute Bush administration decisions for legal violations, including the six awful land use plans the administration just approved, which open millions of acres of redrock wilderness to oil and gas leasing and ORVs.

Reforming the BLM, which manages more of our most spectacular western public lands than any other agency and which folded like a house of cards in a tornado to anti-wilderness interests under pressure from Bush appointees.

Giving meaningful protection to the redrock, by re-instating the process, born under President Clinton and killed by the Bush administration, that gives Wilderness Study Area protection to lands identified by the BLM as having wilderness character.

Please join us at the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance in celebrating this long-awaited political change! We’ve fought hard for eight years just to hold onto Utah’s Redrock: now we’re excited to move forward, with you, to protect this extraordinary landscape.

Thanks for all your support and work towards protecting the Redrock.


Scott Groene
Executive Director

The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance depends on activists like you to support our advocacy. Please make a contribution to our work by clicking here. Sign up to be a grassroots leader or activist by clicking here.
not sure how millions of acres were opened to ORV's when we lost thousands of miles of existing routes and millions of acres of open travel areas



Who Dares Wins
This is a threat to our very way of life, as well as ranchers, farmers, mountain bikers and countless others who would be shut out of the public lands that they depend on for their livelihoods and solace. As I have mentioned before, the final showdown is coming within the next two years. Join U4WDA, USA-All and the Blue Ribbon Coalition!
Additionally, begin participating in the community here on RME. If you have GPS coordinates for trails, Submit them! If you have old maps, photos, books, ect., scan and post them! If you know an old timer who wheeled in Utah back before 1976, interview them or ask someone else to interview them and get that information posted!
SUWA is organized and will have the backing of Congress and the President for their ill conceived plan. We need to be ready to combat that!


Sell out
Hey EROK81? What do you think about this?

I feel fine.

So what? Some dumbass from from SUWA released press conference saying Obama can help them close land. Correct me if I am wrong, but this press release is from SUWA, not Obama? Am I reading the signature line correctly?

Unless Scott Groene is one of Obama's sur names?

Would you also be scared if I released a press statment saying the battle between the reptilians and the grays was moved to next week and we are all going to die? Probably not.

My statements still stands.


Wandering the desert
I feel fine.

Seriously? Someone from the other side of the land use battle tells you exactly what they are going to do and you still don't believe it? Keep your head in the sand, that'll help.:rolleyes:

FWIW I don't care who you voted for, but you can't deny that this is troubling news. "Change" doesn't always come from the top down. All it takes is a signature from the President while someone else does the leg work.


I run a tight ship... wreck
Seriously? Someone from the other side of the land use battle tells you exactly what they are going to do and you still don't believe it? Keep your head in the sand, that'll help.:rolleyes:

FWIW I don't care who you voted for, but you can't deny that this is troubling news. "Change" doesn't always come from the top down. All it takes is a signature from the President while someone else does the leg work.

Yeah, that's just sad. You're 100% right on the last part too, SUWA is going to have more support in Congress now than ever. Their plan will get pushed right to the top, get the anti-Bush spin & Obama will feel like a Hero approving it.

If those that enjoy visiting Moab, the San Safael Swell and many other similar areas, seeing the incredible sights on a mtn bike, ATV or 4x4 don't see how troubling this is, they are nothing less than blind.


Sell out
Seriously? Someone from the other side of the land use battle tells you exactly what they are going to do and you still don't believe it? Keep your head in the sand, that'll help.:rolleyes:

FWIW I don't care who you voted for, but you can't deny that this is troubling news. "Change" doesn't always come from the top down. All it takes is a signature from the President while someone else does the leg work.

Did you even read the rest of my post? SUWA is excited because we have a democrat that might be able to help them, so they issued a statement to their members to get them excited. I do that at work all the time, doesn't mean stuff is going to happen.

Don't get me wrong, we need to do the same thing. Like everyone is saying, now is the time to get involved and stop this sort of thing from happening.

All I am saying is just because Obama was elected doesn't mean the sky is falling and Utah will be closed.

This reminds me of when the news told everyone there was a rice shortage around the world. Everyone went nuts and bought rice like it was going out of style. Which made the problem even worse, and for what, nothing.

All this is doing by going crazy buying guns, going postal about land closures, is just making everyone look like redneck idiots. The sky isn't falling, we just have a new president.


I have to agree with EROK81?. We all know that land use is a problem for this state, especially with SUWA involved. They have many more supporters, are better organized and have their own lobbyists. It seems to me that as soon as Obama was selected as President-elect, everyone on this board had a knee jerk reaction to that. He's not even in office and you're all panicing. Why not take a calm, rational look at the situation, talk to people you know aren't involved in any sort of club, organization and try to get them going. Whining and complaining about something that hasn't even happened to me is petty and serve's absolutely no point. So what if we have a Democratic president? Running around bitching about it like a chicken with it's head cut off isn't solving anything.

Just because SUWA thinks they have a better chance now doesn't mean dick. You, me, anyone on this forum has absolutely NO IDEA what will happen with Obama as president and land use in Utah. If you tell me you know, I'll call you on your BS right now.


RME Resident Ninja
Supporting Member
West Jordan
Did you even read the rest of my post? SUWA is excited because we have a democrat that might be able to help them, so they issued a statement to their members to get them excited. I do that at work all the time, doesn't mean stuff is going to happen.

Don't get me wrong, we need to do the same thing. Like everyone is saying, now is the time to get involved and stop this sort of thing from happening.

All I am saying is just because Obama was elected doesn't mean the sky is falling and Utah will be closed.

This reminds me of when the news told everyone there was a rice shortage around the world. Everyone went nuts and bought rice like it was going out of style. Which made the problem even worse, and for what, nothing.

All this is doing by going crazy buying guns, going postal about land closures, is just making everyone look like redneck idiots. The sky isn't falling, we just have a new president.

I agree.

I may not like who got elected, but that doesn't mean we don't have a chance to stop any of this. Our rights to our land aren't all gone yet. The new liberal-elect government just means we will have to work harder than before. A lot harder.


Sell out
I agree.

I may not like who got elected, but that doesn't mean we don't have a chance to stop any of this. Our rights to our land aren't all gone yet. The new liberal-elect government just means we will have to work harder than before. A lot harder.

Did you just agree with me? :eek:

You must be emotional/depressed that prop 8 passed.


RME Resident Ninja
Supporting Member
West Jordan
...Whining and complaining about something that hasn't even happened to me is petty and serve's absolutely no point. So what if we have a Democratic president? Running around bitching about it like a chicken with it's head cut off isn't solving anything.

Just because SUWA thinks they have a better chance now doesn't mean dick. You, me, anyone on this forum has absolutely NO IDEA what will happen with Obama as president and land use in Utah. If you tell me you know, I'll call you on your BS right now.

Whining and complaining is not the answer for sure... but now is the time to do something. SUWA is obviously ramping up some momentum right now, and that is exactly what we need to do too. Lets put our energy into action rather than e-arguing...

That said, if anybody reading this isn't a U4WDA, USA-All, or BRC member...GET INVOLVED NOW OR FOREVER HOLD YOUR PEACE!


Formerly Beardy McGee
The messages are spilling out of both sides...

>From the Northern Colorado Trail Riders group:

Inevitable Wilderness?

Imagine nearly 40% of the approximately 22 million acres managed by BLM in our state designated as Wilderness. Along with almost all the roads imagine the loss of access to historical places, resources, and you favorite camp sites, trails, or riding areas.

A Wilderness designation would make much of these things inaccessible to most Americans and we find this unacceptable. The Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance (SUWA) thinks over 9 million acres of Wilderness in Utah is not only acceptable but a great idea. Of course they do. Then they and their out of state supporters would have a monopoly on public land. The huge foundations that give millions to SUWA and whose parent companies pillaged the land in the east can now buy themselves a clear path to heaven and a good nights sleep. Sure SUWA and their supporters claim to protect the environment, but really is it about anything other than control and power? If they're so concerned about the environment why don't they put more money into service projects and education and less into suing taxpayers and governments?

SUWA has been pushing for their Wilderness bill for over a decade. Amazingly the bill grew by millions of acres over a few short years. Apparently they had missed a few million acres of untouched pristine land. It easy to do when you travel roads and trails inventorying "roadless" areas. Funny you also encounter vehicles on roads and trails, no wonder why they think the land is overrun with them. Maybe they should try hiking off road once in a while.

So far we have been fortunate. But I am afraid our luck has run out. Now it's time to roll up ourselves, take of the gloves and really get ready to rumble. The political climate has prevented them from making too much progress, but they have been tenacious in pushing for the closure of public land in Utah. With the recent elections and inevitable change coming to Washington D.C. SUWA sees a much anticipated opportunity, and they will capitalize on it with all due haste. This is evidenced by the recent posts on their website. You MUST read this post SUWA Message.

Now folks, I am not a conspiracy theorist nor do I cry the sky is falling when it isn't, but you must believe me when I say this is serious. This is very serious. SUWA will have the best shot they have ever had of taking away your ability to visit those favorite place you and your family enjoy. Well I take that back, you can walk to them if you want.

This harms all of us on a personal level, it harms us on an economic level, it harms our local governments ability to gain money to fund K-12 education, and therefore harms our school children public education, it harms our ability to be energy independent, it harms our land managers ability to manage the land, and the list goes on. Excessive Wilderness designations areas simply plain harmful and wrong.

Luckily none of Utah's congressional delegation support the Wilderness push, but radical senators and congressmen from other states do, and they will again introduce the bill for consideration come January. Now before you cry yourself to sleep tonight know this, there is hope, and there are things we can do stop this from occurring.

Our ability to prevent the otherwise inevitable and intervene will wholly depend on you and the choices you make. Government hasn't been very effective at representing you lately, nor are we convinced that without serious prodding will they help us much on the issue of Wilderness. This is where USA-ALL and our partners come into play. We carry a big stick, and we know how to prod elected representatives. USA-ALL will vow to fight on your behalf to the best of our ability. We have successfully beat pro-wilderness clowns in court, on the field, and in the halls of congress before. We can do it again.

If you want us to stop these broad Wilderness designations it is imperative that ALL of you join our organization and unite with us in defending our home and our way of life. By joining with us we join your voice with thousands of others against harmful wilderness designations, and possibly in support of other areas that may be a good place to preserve as Wilderness. We aren't completely closed to the idea of some Wilderness. But certainly not over 9 million acres of it. As a member of USA-ALL we keep you posted on all the important happenings regarding your ability to enjoy public land in Utah, chances to make a difference by volunteering, and tips on how, when, and why to contact elected or government officials. We work on your behalf everyday, and advocate for your interests to all. We hope you will sense the urgency of the looming issues, choose to join our organization, and give us the opportunity to serve you. If not us please join another organization that better represents you and will work to make our shared world a better place.

Join USA-ALL Today!


Wandering the desert
Whining and complaining about something that hasn't even happened to me is petty and serve's absolutely no point. So what if we have a Democratic president? Running around bitching about it like a chicken with it's head cut off isn't solving anything.
I'm not whining, but the way I see it is we can either play catch up when it does happen, or get involved now. I don't understand the wait and see mentality.

Just because SUWA thinks they have a better chance now doesn't mean dick. You, me, anyone on this forum has absolutely NO IDEA what will happen with Obama as president and land use in Utah. If you tell me you know, I'll call you on your BS right now.

You are right nobody knows for sure what will happen, but when SUWA is so optimistic about this, it is absolutely is cause for concern IMO.


I'm not whining, but the way I see it is we can either play catch up when it does happen, or get involved now. I don't understand the wait and see mentality.

You are right nobody knows for sure what will happen, but when SUWA is so optimistic about this, it is absolutely is cause for concern IMO.

That's why I said to get everyone involved, not wait and see ;)


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
I feel fine.

So what? Some dumbass from from SUWA released press conference saying Obama can help them close land. Correct me if I am wrong, but this press release is from SUWA, not Obama? Am I reading the signature line correctly?

Unless Scott Groene is one of Obama's sur names?

Would you also be scared if I released a press statment saying the battle between the reptilians and the grays was moved to next week and we are all going to die? Probably not.

My statements still stands.

If you don't think the president can quickly enact any kind of land closure without congress you have a serious case of rectal-cranial-inversion or you have forgotten what Clinton did with the Grand Staircase on his way out.

With the stroke of his pen, that entire area was completely shut down.

You can sit back and watch it alld disappear or you can choose to fight for what you believe in.