Here is what SUWA thinks of the Obama victory

Yeah, he's going to make change through hope with hope that there will be change after we have enough hope. Obama is awesome.

Mead, WA
Good thing Obama is for drilling for new reserves... At least he was when he was running for office. Oh wait, maybe that was offshore only? It's hard to keep up with his numberous lies....:rolleyes:


springville, UT
I know one thing for sure, this new presidential administration will indeed be catering to ideas such as land closures, wilderness designations and endangered species recognitions. These will indeed be used to isolate our energy reserves and make it so that no person can have access to land for recreation and/or especially energy exploration for energy independance. All the land that is enjoyed away from population for recreation is the same land that needs to be utilized for energy independance. You are kidding yourself if you think that shutting down land for one reason would not affect the other. They are connected!!! That is why organizing to prevent land closures is so important and should be done NOW!

Mead, WA
I know one thing for sure, this new presidential administration will indeed be catering to ideas such as land closures, wilderness designations and endangered species recognitions. These will indeed be used to isolate our energy reserves and make it so that no person can have access to land for recreation and/or especially energy exploration for energy independance. All the land that is enjoyed away from population for recreation is the same land that needs to be utilized for energy independance. You are kidding yourself if you think that shutting down land for one reason would not affect the other. They are connected!!! That is why organizing to prevent land closures is so important and should be done NOW!

Agreed... And once they are shut down, opening back up will be next to impossible... Obama can shut down a lot in ~4 years....


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
I know one thing for sure, this new presidential administration will indeed be catering to ideas such as land closures, wilderness designations and endangered species recognitions. These will indeed be used to isolate our energy reserves and make it so that no person can have access to land for recreation and/or especially energy exploration for energy independance. All the land that is enjoyed away from population for recreation is the same land that needs to be utilized for energy independance. You are kidding yourself if you think that shutting down land for one reason would not affect the other. They are connected!!! That is why organizing to prevent land closures is so important and should be done NOW!

You have hit the nail on the head.
Once an area has been closed for one activity, it will definately affect other uses. If this administration uses "Wilderness" as their reason for closing an area for energy exploration or production, it is most likely going to close it to any motorized recreation also.

Whether you believe it or not, one of the biggest friends to the motorized recreation community (full-size, atv, motorcycle, utv, and even mountain bike) is the energy industry. With areas being open to energy development, they are usually also to recreation.

Mead, WA
Hey, if that's what it takes.

I think a lot of people are waking up and finding themselves facing unpleasantries now.

I agree.. If that's what it takes. Everyone has their own motivation.... If it weren't the case and SUWA had 50% of the country on their side, you would have 50% on the side keeping lands open - IE 100% of the people would be involved then.

Just want to clarify, Wilderness means nothing but foot (maybe horse?) traffic. Can't disturb ANYTHING. Can't pick up rocks, pick flowers, etc.


I run a tight ship... wreck
Just want to clarify, Wilderness means nothing but foot (maybe horse?) traffic. Can't disturb ANYTHING. Can't pick up rocks, pick flowers, etc.

Pretty much, no mechanized transportation. Bikes included, no new trails, etc. Cattle grazing goes out the window as does energy development.

Mead, WA
The worst part is greenies try to push the wilderness crap on lands that don't even qualify. Problem is nobody else knows this without standing up and fighting for it. Nobody fighting for it, and it will happen because the guy behind the desk doesn't know any better.

Every few years they try to turn our 360,000 acres of land into wilderness area so they can create hiking trails. It doesnt' qualify and everytime they try, my dad has to step up and fight it for a few months until they back down. I'm seriously afraid of what will happen one day when my dad isn't around anymore to fight for it.... Being out of state I'll never know and this land is mine and my sisters after my dad/grandfather pass away......


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
The newsest "Wilderness" trick SUWA is using, is to try and argue that an area has Wilderness Characteristics (WC). I do not have the exact definition of what a WC is, but here is an explanation.

Subsequent to the establishment of the Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs), there has been considerable debate as to whether additional lands qualify, and should be considered, for congressional wilderness designation. Charges that the Utah BLM improperly omitted qualifying areas in the inventory lead to hearings before Congress and the most intractable controversy over any resource inventory since the passage of FLPMA.

As a result of the debate (and a significant passage of time since the BLM's original inventories), in 1996 the Department of the Interior (DOI) directed the BLM to take another look at some of the lands in question. In response to the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, the BLM inventoried approximately 3,105,300 acres of BLM-managed lands that were then proposed for wilderness designation in H.R. 1500. As a result of the inventory, the BLM determined that approximately 2,712,100 of these acres have wilderness characteristics as prescribed in the Wilderness Act, and 393,200 acres do not have wilderness characteristics. Approximately 490,744 of the acres determined to have wilderness characteristics and approximately 80,731 of the acres determined to not have wilderness characteristics are public lands managed by the Monticello Field Office (1999 Utah Wilderness Inventory and revisions). Refer to Table O.1 for a list of areas and acres involved.

The BLM's manual for wilderness inventory, "Wilderness Inventory and Study Procedures Handbook" (H-1630-1), was rescinded on September 29, 2003 by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Instruction Memorandum 2003-274, "BLM Implementation of the Settlement of Utah v. Norton Regarding Wilderness Study." On October 23, 2003 Instruction Memorandum 2003-275, Change 1, "Consideration of Wilderness Characteristics in Land-use Plans," was issued and became the sole written guidance for the consideration of non-WSA lands with wilderness characteristics in the land-use planning process until the revised land-use Planning Handbook was published in 2005. Instruction Memorandum 2003-275, Change 1 states that "the BLM may consider information on wilderness characteristics, along with information on other uses and values, when preparing land-use plans."

The guidance also states that the consideration of non-WSA lands with wilderness characteristics in the land-use planning process has the potential for three distinct outcomes:
1) to give priority to other uses over the protection of wilderness characteristics;
2) to give priority to other uses, but applying management restrictions to protect some or all of the wilderness characteristics; or
3) to give priority to the protection of wilderness characteristics.

Proposed Plan/Final EIS Appendix O Identification of Wilderness Characteristics on Non-WSA Lands Managed by Monticello BLM

The current BLM land-use Planning Handbook (H-1601-1, 2005) states that land-use plans must:
Identify decisions to protect or preserve wilderness characteristics (naturalness, outstanding opportunities for solitude, and outstanding opportunities for primitive and unconfined recreation). Include goals and objectives to protect the resource and management actions necessary to achieve these goals and objectives. For authorized activities, include conditions of use that would avoid or minimize impacts to wilderness characteristics.
The land-use Planning Handbook also authorizes the BLM to consider wilderness proposals from the public during the land-use planning process.

If this comes up and people do not get out to dispute it, they will win. If you recall the letter from SUWA at the beginning of this post, they specifically talk about areas with Wilderness Characteristics. They are using this claim to paint a broad brush.