

Formerly Beardy McGee
so there i am driving from the staging area at RS to the trail, when, all of the sudden when i press the go pedal the engine starts to die and bog down. it finally died right there in the road.....i pop the hood, look for any obvious sh!t that might have rattled loose(happens abit), to no avail :( ...everything looks normal...starts right up, and i head off to the trail....just after starting up the trail it happens again.....i press the gas and it starts to bog down, i let off and it idles normal....press the gas, and it bogs then dies....Chris helps me check out the carb...and poke around at the problem.....he says it's proly not a pump(mine's mechanical), cause in his experience they go out all at once with no warning....he says proly something like a fuel filter....didn'e happen for the rest of the day....

happened once last night, and once today....starts up fine after dieing on me....fuel filter? what do ya'll think....it's definately some type of blockage in the fuel line somewhere.....i just want to know if these are symptoms of something even worse that you might know of....


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Well-Known Member
I will vote for fuel filter too, it will act the same as that if it was running out of fuel but since you ran the rest of the day fine I would say filter...easy and cheap fix


Formerly Beardy McGee
supergper said:
I will vote for fuel filter too, it will act the same as that if it was running out of fuel but since you ran the rest of the day fine I would say filter...easy and cheap fix

kind of ironic really.....i bought one maybe 3-4 weeks ago, and have never replaced it....looks like i'll do it tomorrow :D


Soccer Mom
If the fuel filter isn't it... Check your catalytic convertor and O2 sensor...

An easy way to check is just pull the O2 sensor and if it doesn't do it, your catalytic convertor needs to be replaced.

When I worked at hinkley dodge a guy rolled in because he couldn't get his truck do go any more than just above idle... Mechanic pulled the O2 sensors, no problem after that... Took it to a muffler shop, pulled the convertor, put a new one on... Put the O2 sensors back in... Ran like new. ;)


Formerly Beardy McGee
tweakeyjeep said:
If the fuel filter isn't it... Check your catalytic convertor and O2 sensor...

. ;)

i do have a, "catalytic converter" :D .....if you know what i mean... ;) .... ;) .... ;)

to qoute the man himself, Jesse James...."I'm gonna turn this muffler, into a "muffler""......hehehe :D


Hickey said:
Check your plug wires. this happened on my moms car, it was a broken plug wire.

My truck acted like that and it ended up being the coil wire, it was just barely falling off.


Soccer Mom
SAMI said:
i do have a, "catalytic converter" :D .....if you know what i mean... ;) .... ;) .... ;)

to qoute the man himself, Jesse James...."I'm gonna turn this muffler, into a "muffler""......hehehe :D

Right! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Did you see the one with the circle 8 racer?

They needed an exhaust, Jesse didn't want mufflers so he opened them up, pulled out the guts and welded them back together...... :cool:


Formerly Beardy McGee
tweakeyjeep said:
Right! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Did you see the one with the circle 8 racer?

They needed an exhaust, Jesse didn't want mufflers so he opened them up, pulled out the guts and welded them back together...... :cool:

really? i wonder if that's what i'm talking about? :rolleyes:


Formerly Beardy McGee
SmokinCamel said:
I had this same problem with the engine that cam in my samurai. Never ound out what was wrong. I changed engines so I never knew what it was.

so basically you're alot of help!

:rofl: :rofl:


Change the gas cap and look for a loose fuel hose above the tank.
Will it run bad or stop with a full tank or a low tank, chances are you're sucking a small amount of air causing it to act like it runs out of gas. :D


Formerly Beardy McGee
BOB-CAT said:
Change the gas cap and look for a loose fuel hose above the tank.
Will it run bad or stop with a full tank or a low tank, chances are you're sucking a small amount of air causing it to act like it runs out of gas. :D

now that i think about it...when we pulled my air cleaner tube off the top of the carb to check it out.....the gasket ring around the top of the carb was torn in half.....could this be the prob? eh? eh?


Registered User
SmokinCamel said:
I am....I can tell you you arn;t the first to have this problem. :p ;) :cool:

I'm new so bare with me !!! I have had my Sammy awhile and had the same problem, wanting to die at certain times (always when I didn't need it to) I tried everything everyone else told you to try with no luck. Then I talked to a guy that told me to buy the Suzuki carb. fix from one of the dealers. All it does is to vent the Carb. more by making the vent hole larger. I thought I was running out of gas but it the opposite, it would flood out RIGHT NOW, instant death. I put the oversize vent in the carb and have had no more problems.
Hope this is of some help.