Hey from Josh in Herriman


Active Member
Hey folks - just bought a '94 Bronco, and it's time to start doing some wheelin' again. This is actually Bronco #3 for me - I had an '86 back in high school, then bought a '94 in 2001, which I had to sell a few years ago. I've regretted that sale ever since, and finally got back into a position where I could bring a Bronco home again. Found my current ride about a month ago, and fell in love with it in large part because it's almost identical to the one I had to sell. It's honestly like I never sold the last one, and just parked it in the garage for a few years (there was even only a difference of 200 miles between what I sold mine at, and what this new one has on the odometer.)

Anyways… I'm out in Herriman, and am currently in the process of fixing this thing up and getting it ready to hit some trails soon. It's in mostly good shape, but the previous owner didn't quite give it some of the love they should have, so I've got a few things to take care of before I can start having some real fun with some upgrades and such. My previous wheeling experience is mostly in just barreling through muddy fields and random dirt roads, but now I'm looking forward to doing some organized runs, trails that require more than a stock truck, and in general, doing things the "right" way.

So… hello.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Welcome on behalf of RME and the U4WDA.
Be sure to read all the instructions in "Introductions & using the Forum".

U4WDA believes the four wheeling community is best served by:
1. Education thru the use of classes, pamphlets, and films to teach responsible conservation.
2. Use Auto Dealerships and suppliers for the distribution of information.
3. Support Utah Counties in obtaining Quiet Claims to roads within their jurisdiction.
4. Stays informed and work closely with all Government Agencies and local law enforcement.
5. Where practical uses peer pressure to keep OHV use within the law.
6. Inform local agencies and law enforcement of illegal OHV use.

We promote the following: BRC/UFWDA: National legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
USA-All:- Local legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
U4WDA: On the ground actions. Service projects, education, club training, broadcasting the needs of Usa-All, UFWDA & BRC to its member clubs. Require clubs to be members of Usa-All, UFWDA & BRC, tie it into dues.
Member Clubs: Rides, education, hats, jackets, newsletters, raffles, etc. Require membership in U4WDA
Individuals: Join a club and promote responsible use amongst fellow travelers.
BRC:- National legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
Usa-All:- Local legislation, action alerts, lobbying, etc
U4WDA: On the ground actions. Service projects, education, club training, broadcasting the needs of Usa-All & BRC to its member clubs. Require clubs to be members of Usa-All & BRC, tie it into dues.
Member Clubs: Rides, education, hats, jackets, newsletters, raffles, etc. Require membership in U4WDA
Individuals: Join a club and promote responsible use amongst fellow travelers.



Well-Known Member
welcome, I'm sure there will be some people heading out to 5 mile or AF canyon soon, I know I want to once i get a couple things down on my blazer. And like Steve said, pay attention to the upcoming section.