High Capacity Magazines for Ruger 10-22's?


Active Member
Hey - thinking I might want to get me some high capacity magazines(now for some reason :) for my kids 10-22's.

Which one is the best? (20-30 rounds?)

it's funny, but every single Ruger gun I've had to deal with has had crappy mags: from the p89 pistol, the 10/22, and the Mini14. Every one had magazines that jammed repeatedly.
I have the plastic ones also. Butler creek I think. I have 10 of them and only 3 work consistently. From what I understand the ones with the metal top work better but guys at work that are gun savvy say they are hard to find already after this last weekend.
hm... for some strange reason all the high-capacity mags are backordered. :(

My plastic ones even have the metal top and it still sucks. I hear the Ruger brand ones are the only ones worth getting.
This is the only one worth buying:



CDNN often has them on sale, but with the recent talk, their prices have gone up.

The Hot Lips and Steel Lips aren't as good, and they cost the same. I would stick with the BX25 if you can find any.
From what I hear, Ruger BX-25 is far and away the best option. I'd tell you how they work, but the "test" one I bought for my kid is wrapped up and under the tree right now. Since he has a new scope on his 10/22 that hasn't even been sighted in (the range was closed the one time we tried), as well as a speed loader and bipod under the tree, I suspect a trip to the range is in my near future.
I've got a Hot Lips branded 25 round number, never had a problem.


With with probably 10k+ rounds through it no problems stemmed from the magazine anyway, they also sell a kick ass speed loader to go with the mags, well worth it
I have some all-plastic 25 rounders and a speedloader. I don't recall off the top of my head for sure, but I think they're Butler Creek. I've never had any issues I could blame on them, and I've had them for probably 18 years.
i have the 25 rd ruger one, its awsomei also have a butler creek 32 rd one with metal top, works greatbut the 25 rd butler creek one i had had a plastic top and jammed every shot, returned it.as long as it has the metal top, it should work ok
I've had/have some Butler Creek ones, some Ruger, and some hot lips and don't have any problems with any of them. The only one of my 10-22 clips I have any kind of problem with is the one that came with the gun. Of course that's had many thousands of rounds through it so it's no surprise it's not as great as it once was. I think the biggest issues most people have are dirty guns, dirty ammo, or dirty clips.

FWIW, if you know where to get the hi-cap magazines, I'd pick them up ASAP. Every store around here that I've been to is completely sold out.
Just an FYI Gallensons still has the butler creek magazines - there were less than 20 left though.....