Hill Aerospace Museum Downsizing


Who Dares Wins
I'm really sad to hear that Hill Aerospace Museum to cut 18 aircraft, 3 missiles from collection. The museum at Hill is really where I developed my passion for history by visiting it as a kid with my Dad and Grandpa. I understand the reasons, and it looks like many of the more significant aircraft they have are not going to be cut, but still too bad. I'll have to head up there soon to take a last look at some of these. I'm particularly miffed about the missiles. Those played an important part in Hill's history, and I've never seen the mobile launchers displayed in such an accessible way anywhere else. Oh well.

HILL AIR FORCE BASE — The Hill Aerospace Museum will be cutting 18 aircraft, three missiles and other support vehicles from its collection.

The museum is located at Hill Air Force Base and has been open to the public for almost 30 years. It has more than 2,000 artifacts on 34 acres of land.

"We have a lot of aircraft in that museum and as the government continues to reduce resources, we won't have the manpower, funding or means necessary to give those aircraft the attention they need over time," said Acting Museum Director Aaron Clark. "With that being the case, the most responsible thing would be to give other museums the opportunity to have these aircraft and to take care of them."

The museum's aircraft require periodic restoration and repairs to maintain appearance, which can be costly. Clark said an outdoor plane needs to be painted every five or six years, which can run from $15,000 to $100,000 depending on the size of the plane.

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The Hill Aerospace Museum in Roy, Utah, is a local treasure. Located just outside the gates of Hill Air Force Base, the museum is a fun and educational destination.
The mission of the museum is to portray the history of the Hill Air Force Base and aviation in the state of Utah. Clark said museum officials are using the cuts as an opportunity to refocus on the mission while becoming more fiscally responsible.

"These aircraft have little to do, or sometimes nothing to do, with that mission," he said. "So we put that into consideration when we chose the aircraft that we were going to put on the excess list."

Most of the aircraft being excessed are located outside, which makes them more expensive to maintain, but some of the current indoor displays will also be finding a new home. Clark said the planes people are most likely to notice missing are the A-7, B-47 and F-106.

However, removing the planes from the collection will allow the museum to focus more on artifacts with local ties. It has plans to restore a C-47 that was used in the middle of the century and bring it indoors.

If we eliminate those (aircraft) and they actually go away, then we'll have space to bring more aircraft that have more to do with Hill Air Force Base inside and protect them from the elements.
"If we eliminate those (aircraft) and they actually go away, then we'll have space to bring more aircraft that have more to do with Hill Air Force Base inside and protect them from the elements," Clark said.

After downsizing, the museum will still have more than 50 aircraft.

The excess artifacts will not disappear from the museum overnight. The excess list has been sent to the National Museum of the Air Force in Ohio, which will work with organizations that would like to obtain the artifacts.

The aircraft will be offered to field museums, base air parks, certified civilian museums and service museums. They could also find a future home with veteran's organizations, hospitals and cities.

"If they have a desire or a need for that aircraft in their collection, they can work with the national museum to see if they can obtain it," Clark said.

Museum officials said they don't expect the streamlining of aircraft to affect attendance. More than 138,000 people visited the museum last year.

Museum Excess List:

Aircraft: F-4C (RF), F-4E, F-86L, T-39A (CT), C-131D, C-130E (trainer), H-21C, F-4E (GF), A-7F (YA), C-45H, F-106A (QF), U-3A, H-13T, T-28B (BUNO), F/A-18A, B-47E (WB), C-119F (RCAF), C-7B

Missles: CIM-10C Missle, LGM-118 Peacekeeper Missle, LGM-30 Minuteman III Missle

Support Vehicles: BGM-109A Trailer, SSCBM Minuteman ICBM Storage, Peacekeeper Air Elevator Support Trailer, Peacekeeper Support Truck
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Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
We go here at least yearly, make a good donation. It's awesome to have this many excellent things on display and have such an interactive experience available. Sad to see a lot of that stuff go.


Giver of bad advice
I had recently been in talks with the curator of the museum for donating some of our equipment. Sadly, he was laid off. And all talks were transferred to the head of the museum and my bosses took over from me. While I'm not at liberty to discuss those donations, they all have very much to do with the Hill and Utah missions. I hope we can get things settled and this equipment can be displayed.


So when are they going to start removing this stuff. I'd like to go see before its gone. Maybe a group of RME'ers one day soon could go out.


Vanilla Gorilla
It sounds like the place is streamlining their operation. A little fat trimming is good. I'm betting a lot of these planes are unrestored back lot pieces that other museums would be able to restore and curate. As long as that SR-71 stays put I couldn't care less about any other plane. I was left unattended after hours at an event there and would have gotten in that sucker if I could have found a ladder...still bummed out about that!

If you haven't been, you should go! It is an amazing place!