Hollywood actress coming to town to support Tim DeChristopher, eh?


Active Member
Just tell the whole story. The federal government held up clean up operations and has stopped drilling for new wells in the gulf and has rescinded the order to start drilling off the east coast. Our, I repeat, Our federal government has not been run efficiently for at least 40 or 50 years in my estimation and we seem to be left with a choice of president between the lesser of two evils. You can't give away tax payers money forever to get re-elected. The House controls the purse strings in the final analysis no matter who is President so maybe we have a shot at some sanity this go around.

As far as DeCristopher is concerned, he is a criminal and should be punished.
I agree with your excellent post.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
Just tell the whole story. The federal government held up clean up operations and has stopped drilling for new wells in the gulf and has rescinded the order to start drilling off the east coast. Our, I repeat, Our federal government has not been run efficiently for at least 40 or 50 years in my estimation and we seem to be left with a choice of president between the lesser of two evils. You can't give away tax payers money forever to get re-elected. The House controls the purse strings in the final analysis no matter who is President so maybe we have a shot at some sanity this go around.

As far as DeCristopher is concerned, he is a criminal and should be punished.

The taxpayers are being soaked for nearly $100,000,000 for that highly questionable cleanup. This does not even come close to the long term effects yet to come.

Agree with you about government not being run efficiently for decades now, however i don't know if you can use the words efficient and government in the same sentence:D

Sure, politicians can continue give taxpayers money away and be elected. The banks and big business are just fine.

I don't agree about the lesser of two evils though. To me it is a one party state masquerading as a two party state. The parties are serving the same interests and act accordingly. As long as there is a 6+ to 1 ratio of lobbyist to legislators, there will be no justice or sanity. Your interests are not being served no matter what morals they pretend to possess. Citizens united only exacerbated this issue.

He knowingly broke the law, and will do the time. Are the laws just, not at face value and i think thats what he was trying to illustrate, in his own narcissistic way .
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somewhat damaged
To me it is a one party state masquerading as a two party state. The parties are serving the same interests and act accordingly. As long as there is a 6+ to 1 ratio of lobbyist to legislators, there will be no justice or sanity. Your interests are not being served no matter what morals they pretend to possess. Citizens united only exacerbated this issue.

I really wish more people could see and understand this.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
The taxpayers are being soaked for nearly $100,000,000 for that highly questionable cleanup. This does not even come close to the long term effects yet to come.

Agree with you about government not being run efficiently for decades now, however i don't know if you can use the words efficient and government in the same sentence:D

Sure, politicians can continue give taxpayers money away and be elected. The banks and big business are just fine.
I don't agree about the lesser of two evils though. To me it is a one party state masquerading as a two party state. The parties are serving the same interests and act accordingly. As long as there is a 6+ to 1 ratio of lobbyist to legislators, there will be no justice or sanity. Your interests are not being served no matter what morals they pretend to possess. Citizens united only exacerbated this issue.
True to a certain extent, the people of Utah believe one party is better than another and no one seems to be able to change their minds. I just wish they would be more picky on who they elect. .

He knowingly broke the law, and will do the time. Are the laws just, not at face value and i think thats what he was trying to illustrate, in his own narcissistic way
The law is the law until changed and therefore just. I object to extremist, be it suwa, sierra club, citizens united OR EVEN U4WDA IF THE SHOE FITS, that believe their way is the only way and take a position that everyone else is wrong and only they are right while making and spending millions of dollars a year for their cause. U4 has a budget of about $20K a year.
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It's just one term!
You can't possibly be that narrow?

Wasted tax revenue? How about massive tax shelters and subsidies for the petroleum industry? All the while they report record profits.

Nope, instead lets cut funding of public services and servants.

Oddly, I haven't seen anyone from BP placed on trial and sentenced, and 12 people died out of sheer negligence. While on the subject of "jobs", what about the citizens of the gulf coast whose lives and the lives of their grand children have been completely devastated? Do they count or can you not see them from your porch? Its also shameful that BP has attorneys working day and night to prevent payouts to the victims of their colossal fawk up.

Thats why toeheads like DeChristopher act out, and the castrated left just pisses and moans on message forums. Sound familiar?

I was sure he'd find atleast one fan here.:eek:


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
that believe their way is the only way and take a position that everyone else is wrong and only they are right.[/COLOR]

*nothing against you Jack*

I feel the same way about the religious right, who use the guise of "morality" to control the masses. I personally don't want to control who can and cannot be married, what a women does with her body, what music you can listen to, art, what you can and cannot drink and when, what words you can say, and what drugs you can take.

However, I do take issue with the middle class and working poor being pushed into serfdom all the while politicians sell us out to big business and corporate interest that systematically destroys our way of life. Does that make me a commie?

Banks and big business control elections, the ruling by the supreme court last year only solidified that. The only real change will come when there is no hope, thus no fear.

I'm a gearhead, and have been since I was big enough to reach the pedals. However, I would gladly give up motorsports if it meant kids didn't have to hide inside from the air. At some point we have to admit if there is a need to drill in NATIONAL PARKS and poison the environment, then we are running out of options and need to demand a move to sustainable energy.

Lastly, the party that Utah prefers to run the state now have something else to be proud of: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/money/51356198-79/forbes-utah-lake-salt.html.csp

It's just ridiculous.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
I don't have anything against anyone either except when they try to push their beliefs or agenda's on me that I don't agree with. You probably know that the Chumash Indians in the Los Angeles basin called it the "valley of smoke". I forget their actual name for it but that is what it meant before the white man or Spanish came to the area. This was just because of the inversion area and using wood for campfires. We have the same thing here but I do not think it is as bad as LA. It will take time but man will realize that Atomic power is the only way to go until something better comes along because we will never go back to burning wood or the horse and buggy even if it means our own death. I can not change anyone else and no one can change me. Only you can change you and I can change me. But still, as Ken Nordine said, "we need or need for needing each other and we need our need for not needing each other" So each of us will be whoever we will be and worship and live as we each will worship and live. Kind of verbose but you get the idea.