Honda Grom


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
I've seen them around, they seem to have an aftermarket following with some people putting more aftermarket stuff on than the purchase price. My biggest concern would be the 125cc, I guess if you aren't going too far and you're on city streets it would be fine, I just live in the sticks so the 125cc would be a deal breaker.
I would love to play on one. I don't think commuting more than a couple of miles would be comfortable enough for me. Talking with people at Honda, this has been a great seller for them.


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
Those bikes are pretty rad! Of love to have one to play on or take with us camping. I doubt it would be fun for more than a 5 mile commute though


Active Member
Saw one last week on 33rd or 39th and 7th East. Dude was geared up making a left turn, brought it in hard, made a half spirited turn, and took off.
I'd have to ride one of those like a complete jackass just to keep it somewhat interesting. I think it would get boring really quick. A CBR250 would be a much better purchase. Rode one last year. I'm 6'2" 230 and it was honestly a hoot. It would be good for commuting since it will exceed legal speed limits just fine, and you have some room for your legs.

Toys are fun, but hard to justify a 'new' bike just for a commute to work. Some small displacement bikes are cheap to buy. My cruiser gets 37-39mpg, but no way could a Grom pay for itself since I already have a bike. $2500 on KSL will get you an assortment of metric dual-sport that exceeds everything the Grom can do except fuel economy.
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Emptying Pockets Again
Supporting Member
I'm scared riding around the Salt Lake valley on a normal sized motorcycle. Can't imagine on a bike that size, people already don't pay attention to the road or what's around them. Now make yourself smaller and harder to see? No thanks, I'll feel safe in my 3/4 ton tank.

I love motorcycles and think they are a blast to roll around on. I had way to many close calls on mine in this valley so I sold it.


After some more research and talking with the wife, it looks like a larger cruiser that is 2-up friendly will be a better option.


Well-Known Member
West Jordan
After some more research and talking with the wife, it looks like a larger cruiser that is 2-up friendly will be a better option.

That's a better idea IMO. Do yourself s favor and let her decide what bike she wants. Make sure she sits on the back and feels what's comfortable. If you do it right she will ride with you far more often