

when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
Ok guys,
I have been in South Jordan for a while now and really like it but as the boys are getting bigger I am feeling the need for more space and chores for them.

So that being said, I have found a couple houses in Hooper and I really like the feel of the place, but I have some questions.

1-bugs? Being that close to the lake do you get the bugs that stansbury and grantsville get?

2-flooding? I notice the most places don't have basement which I am guessing is because of closeness to the lake. Is flooding a problem?

let me know what you know.



.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
The house is in weber, if that helps. :)

I thought Hooper was in Davis, but I think it would help. Taking half a day off to get your truck inspected just seemed extra annoying and expensive to me. Weber still has emissions, but I don't think it's as stupid as Davis county is. For whatever reason, Davis county seems to think they want to be the CA of UT. (sorry, I'm annoyed with Davis county emissions....sorry for the thread derail)


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
You can derail my threads anytime. Stuff like that is important.

Knowing my luck I would by a house in a place that doesn't allow 4wheel drives and not find out until I get fine for every thing I drive. ;)


Lover of all things Toyota
Mantua UT
I grew up in Roy which is right above Hooper. I would advise you to look at the future I215 rode plans.

Bugs aren't bad, it does have a high water table.


Active Member
West Point
I'm in West Point, bugs aren't bad. The town comes around during the summer and sprays. I'd did put a sump pump in the basement in case of flooding.

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Box Rocket

Syracuse, Utah
I'm in Syracuse so we're out that way too. Like has been said, the city typically will spray for bugs in the spring/summer months so that's not bad. If it gets stormy and windy you'll get some lake stink that blows in from time to time. Others have also said the water table is pretty high. It's generally not a huge problem and where it is they usually won't have a basement. If you're buying an older home its probably a good idea to put a sump pump in just to be safe.


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
Thanks for the replies!

Trying to find a rural feel within a decent drive of the city is hard to do.

Anyone taking Front Runner in? I am thinking I can get the company to pay for the rail pass...


opinions are like Jeeps..
Clinton, Ut
We live in Clinton which isnt quite as far west but still that direction. I have built several homes in Hooper and have some of the wifes family out there. They love it.

My wife used to take Front Runner when she was working downtown SLC. She actually really enjoyed it. Could take a nap, read, or just play on the phone. She got a new position and is out west of the airport now and has to drive everyday. Racks up the miles crazy fast.

We have been building several houses in West Bountiful. I sure wish I could afford one

Box Rocket

Syracuse, Utah
I used to take FrontRunner until my schedule just got too unpredictable. It's actually a nice way to commute if you don't mind the hour on the train. If you commute during rush hour when the drive will take an hour, then the train makes lots of sense since you're spend the same amount of time, but not put any wear on your own vehicle. If you commute at off times when you can make that drive in 30 min, then maybe the train makes less sense. The cost of the train used to be much better, but for me it hasn't made as much sense so I've been driving again for a while.


Totally Awesome
I can usually get to work in 30-40 minutes. If i leave between 5.30 and 6.30. And I can make it home in the same amount of time between 3.00 and 4.00pm.

Just get an old beater for commuting. My 1988 BMW has well over 250K miles on it. it goes 90 with ease if i need to pass someone. Then you don't have to worry if some moron decides to swerve lanes without looking and almost kills you. Luckily there wasn't anyone in the other lane that I had to swerve into, to avoid being killed.


Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
I have two brothers in Syracuse and love it. I have a friend that lives in Hooper and he also loves it. Really, anywhere west from Bountiful north is nice. I dont know that you can go wrong with any of it but make sure you look to see where they will they will extend Legacy Hwy through. As far as commute goes, even at 30-40 min, we are lucky because in that time you are atleast covering some mileage. Move to California and drive that long to cover 5 miles. Life is far too short to sweat the little stuff. If your looking for a great place to raise your family, Hooper should be a fine area to do it in.