hot working steel


Fight Till You Die
doing some hot working of steel and am getting a red patina in it after its cooled down that won't come off. its only on certain areas. very new to this so has any one done some hot working and know what I an doing to cause this because I would like to avoidthe red
Most of the time when I heated steel up and bent it I ended up with a blueish tint to it. I never found a way around the change other than paint, maybe heating up a larger section may help blend the color difference or possibly some oil would change the color if you were going for a unfinished look.

Just curious what you are doing... Are you just using an accetaline torch to heat or are you using something like a forge?
using a propane forge I made to just add texture to steel for furniture. I think the reddish hugh comes from getting it too hot. this has been a while new learning process as it is as little different thank just cutting and welding