how cold is your deep freeze?


Your Realtor
Woods Cross, UT
Just curious. I have a freezer in my garage and I had it set to 0*F but that didn't seem all that cold, I bumped it down to -5. The default on it was something like +10*F but that seems way too warm.

What do you guys set yours at and at what point is it just wasting energy?


Should be 0 or below. 10+ or above is too warm. As learned from being a school custodian.;)

Mead, WA
I keep mine set at -10*F.... Which is easy to do when your ambient temp is 0 :eek:

I keep my beer freezer set to +20*F :D In the winter I can't leave it on in the garage, or nights will cause it to go below and I'll pop every beer. :eek:

...And for those that say it can't happen, it does. Beer will seperate from the water and then the water will freeze pushing the beer out the top of the bottle. After the cold beer hits the air, it then freezes. So now you have beer slushies coming out of your bottles :(


I originally had mine set at 0* but bumped it up to +5* to save a little during the summer. I haven't noticed any difference in the food.