How long until it's all gone?

How long will it be before we lose all motorized access to public land? We're losing more and more routes every year. Eventually, the only thing we'll have left is graded access roads leading to hiking trailheads.

We've lost 98% of the OHV trails in SL County over the last 15 years. Talk to people in southern and central Utah, and ask them about the old days of exploring the Swell or parts of southeastern Utah. Ask them about the routes that used to be open, and how they took their access for granted.

How long will it be before AF Canyon is closed to motorized access? We've lost trails up there in the last 10 years, and others are being "mistakenly" re-designated by the Forest Service. Even more trails are shortened as each new travel map is published. Ask some of the guys who have been wheeling in this area for 20 years, some of them are reading this right now. They'll tell you what we're losing.

How long until we lose 5 Mile Pass? It'll never happen right? Absolutely wrong. A new travel plan is being developed for 5 Mile Pass, and Rattlesnake and Constrictor might not be on it unless we do something about it. The open areas just off the highway are being re-designated to restrict access to designated routes only. Eventually, it will become a fee area.

The BLM, FS, and city and county governments are ILLEGALLY closing trails at an alarming rate. Even though the closures are ILLEGAL, we (the 4x4 community) still have to spend THOUSANDS of dollars to get the routes re-opened. It takes lawyers, research, and mountains of paperwork. With the miniscule budgets of groups like USA-ALL and U4WDA there isn't enough money to protect everything that needs to be protected.

We need to bring in members, volunteers, and money. I wish I was insanely rich. I'd gladly donate the money needed to maintain our access if I had it. I don't have it, and I don't know any other uber-rich 4-wheelers. So, we're going to have to do it $10, $25, $50 at a time.

Donate to U4WDA! Donate to USA-ALL! Donate to Blue Ribbon Coalition! Encourage your friends to join these organizations and to donate. I'm personally involved with each of these groups, and can GUARANTEE that any money you donate to them will be used solely for protecting YOUR right to access YOUR public lands.

Don't wait for the other guy to do it. Don't wait for the next generation to solve the problem. Do something today. Being a responsible wheeler who picks up other people's trash is not enough. I wish it was.

You have a right to access your public land. That right is being threatened by anti-access groups and renegade land managers. Don't wait until your favorite trail is closed. Then it'll be too late. Do something while you still can.

I've only been in Utah for about 2 years. Most of you RME'ers have been around here MUCH longer than I. You know what we've been losing. Don't lose another trail. Don't let them close another area. Don't hesitate. Donate to a local land use group today.
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Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
It seems to me that for every person working to keep our access to our public lands, there must be hundreds out there expecting someone else to fight the battle for them.

EVERYONE who uses public lands needs to get involved. If nothing else, join one of the organizations that are fighting on your behalf.


Sandy, Ut
rebarguy said:
It seems to me that for every person working to keep our access to our public lands, there must be hundreds out there expecting someone else to fight the battle for them....

Sadly, I would estimate the number closer to 1000:1 :(

There is so much going on right now right in front of our faces, but without manpower... LOST!

If anyone is looking for a "pet project" let me know, I have 2-3 big ones in SL County alone that need someone to do some research, set up some meetings, etc. Corner Canyon, Mineral Fork, 5MP, AF Canyon, etc... etc... etc...