How not to be a spotter.


Boise Idaho
We were doing escalator on hells revenge and a group of razors and a couple of landcruisers stopped to watch. Dude with the nice landcruiser wanted me to spot him up it. says he's done it before with a great spotter and didn't get a scratch.
I told him that I won't spot his nice landcruiser up that obstacle. my thing is if you're not prepared for body damage, don't do it. I loved his cruiser (it was gorgeous) and would hate to see a big hooey on the side haha
I've been there done that with a dude who wants to do the hard obstacles then when his nice rig gets close to the rocks wants us to put our muscles and weight between the rocks and his ride so it doesn't get a scratch. not ever gonna do that nonsense again.
I love all 4x4s but frankly would rather wheel with junkpiles so there are no worries :)


dont be a sheep in a jeep
west jordan,UT
Cruiser fest and the bronco safari go on at the same time.

Me and a few buddy's ran triple threat on the 2nd and a small group of cruiser's ran it at the same time and after staying ahead of them for most of the trails we met up with the other part of our group and wound up spending a few hrs at the Crack and they passed us...they where going ridiculously slow and took forever to pass...every obstacle no matter how big or small they got out to take pics and spot each other over. Lol
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Smooth Gang Founding Member
What's a spotter for?

This. Some people depend on spotters way too much and never learn to drive because of it. Yeah, I need a spotter occasionally but I try not to lean on them much and I often disagree with them and do things my way. Sometimes that pisses people off but my friends get it and even do the same to me sometimes :)

On the subject of the obstacle in question, a simple rock wall with no technical aspect- if you need a spotter for that you should probably just get pulled up it. Maybe I'm mean? I dunno...


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
Really, we all start somewhere. Just like drivers and doctors and whatever, we aren't all created equally. Some spotters are better than others. Some drivers are better than others. It just so happens that I'm the best at both.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Really, we all start somewhere. Just like drivers and doctors and whatever, we aren't all created equally. Some spotters are better than others. Some drivers are better than others. It just so happens that I'm the best at both.

Don't forget about the best at being humble.


Formerly black_ZJ
OK, I am anal but not quite that bad. At least I wait until I get off the trail on the way back to camp to wash mine.:rofl:


I will typically stop and spray out brake and driveline components after running any trail with mud or water crossings, more of a safety measure than anything else.


Formerly black_ZJ
We were all Moab newbies at one time and sometimes used a spotter, over time you get used to the same trails and could even run some without a spotter in the dark, it's a learning curve for everyone. But then there is common sense, some folks just 'get it' quicker than others on the trail.


By endurance we conquer
This. Some people depend on spotters way too much and never learn to drive because of it. Yeah, I need a spotter occasionally but I try not to lean on them much and I often disagree with them and do things my way. Sometimes that pisses people off but my friends get it and even do the same to me sometimes :)

On the subject of the obstacle in question, a simple rock wall with no technical aspect- if you need a spotter for that you should probably just get pulled up it. Maybe I'm mean? I dunno...

people that drive XJs don't need a spotter. If there wreck their rig they can stop off at any grocery store, put a quarter in the machine, push the lever and get a different one. Sometimes you have to use one of the machines that require putting 2 quarters next to each other, but you get an XJ with a short arm lift and control arm drop brackets in those.


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I am convinced that a good spotter saved my life one time. If not for his knowledge and attention to detail I would have been done for. However, I knew going into the obstacle that I may need some help. We talked about it prior to the obstacle, and I knew I could trust him completely. SPOTTERS HAVE EXTREME VALUE.

However, they are not needed 99.9999999% of the time that they are used. It seems like we wheel with some people who have a driver and a hiker. The passenger is never in the vehicle. It drives me crazy.

We dirt bike during EJS so we can get around easier.. It's amazing to see how many traffic jams occur on the smallest of small obstacles due to people out spotting up a 6" rock..


Smooth Gang Founding Member
The moral of this story seems to be that you should get an XJ. Duh.

people that drive XJs don't need a spotter. If there wreck their rig they can stop off at any grocery store, put a quarter in the machine, push the lever and get a different one. Sometimes you have to use one of the machines that require putting 2 quarters next to each other, but you get an XJ with a short arm lift and control arm drop brackets in those.