How the post-Sandy Hook gun control push spectacularly backfired in America


somewhat damaged

Good read. :)

Love this part:
The backlash against Obama, Biden, Piers Morgan and others has been so powerful and persistent that Obama had to stage a photo op of himself shooting a shotgun in order to create the impression that he was "pro gun." Similarly, anti-gun CNN host Piers Morgan has now broadcast a video of himself shooting an AR-15 in Katy, Texas, while softening his position and saying he was never against the Second Amendment in the first place. (Yeah, right...)

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:cool: Great read.

Instead of reducing sales of AR-15s and other firearms in America, the gun grab dramatically increased sales of nearly all firearms beyond any previous record. In essence, the American people bought nearly every gun available anywhere in the country, leaving gun store shelves empty. The upshot of all this? 10+ million new firearms in the hands of citizens and a one-year backlog of gun orders with manufacturers.

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Wow... Double wrap your tin-foil hat before reading that! It starts out pretty logically but pretty quickly devolves into frothing at the mouth conspiracy theory.
I sort of agree with Stephen, first part is great. But even though the second part is a little overwhelming with the conspiracy theroy junk I still have to remember that I fully believe our government is capable of just about anything.

I like to read the conspiracy theory junk but take all if it with a grain of salt. Most of it is just way too far out there but there is usually some believable and conceivable stuff as well.