I have five gallons and a hammock tent. Where am I going?


uıɐƃɐ ʇɐɥʇ op ʇ,uoʍ ı
Bountiful, UT
I have five gallons of gas, some food in cans, and a hammock tent. The fuel can go in:

  1. the DRZ, which shakes me to death, but is great on trails
  2. the Triumph Tiger (sport tour), which is great on gas, pretty comfy, and will go on a rough dirt road, but not very far on a trail
  3. the Jeep, which as we know will get you just far enough away that it will be a huge PITA when something breaks. And something always breaks. :rofl:
I am bored, have almost no friends, and tired of watching my wife back home enjoying her long weekend, already. On Facebook. :-\ FML.

I am soliciting suggestions on something to do.

So, I am limited to what I have on hand, which is a lot of things. And nothing at the same time. :rofl:

Help decide for me, because I don't know any places to go.


I run a tight ship... wreck
Triumph.... head towards Heber, by way of Big Cottonwood Canyon... I'd imagine the road is opened, but not sure? Lots of campgrounds in the Aspen's above Heber, but it will probably be busy up there, like most anywhere a couple hrs from the UT & SLC valleys.


uıɐƃɐ ʇɐɥʇ op ʇ,uoʍ ı
Bountiful, UT
Road was closed at top of BCC earlier in the week. Maybe it was last weekend though.

100th post. Yay?
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I run a tight ship... wreck
Looks like it's still closed, anticipated to open Late July. - http://commuterlink.utah.gov/PDFContent/SeasonalRoadClosures.pdf

OK.... ride thru Happy Valley, up Provo Canyon to Heber. If you're looking for more adventure, ride to Strawberry Res. You could make a loop by continuing onto Duchesne, then down to Helper and back to Utah Valley by way of Spanish Fork canyon. That would be a fun ride with a decent amount of higher elevation cool weather. Might take more than 5 gallons though. ;)


Well-Known Member
I like what Greg is thinking. Infact, when you get to Strawberry, turn off the highway at the Strawberry lodge and either camp back in there for the night, or continue on down the dirt road and come out in Spanish Fork Canyon. I have some GPS tracks from back in that area I can post up. Lots of easy relaxing riding back in there.


uıɐƃɐ ʇɐɥʇ op ʇ,uoʍ ı
Bountiful, UT
You guys are always talking about places I can't find. LOL
Where is Happy Valley? Google has no idea, I have no idea, Garmin has no idea.




uıɐƃɐ ʇɐɥʇ op ʇ,uoʍ ı
Bountiful, UT
I like what Greg is thinking. Infact, when you get to Strawberry, turn off the highway at the Strawberry lodge and either camp back in there for the night, or continue on down the dirt road and come out in Spanish Fork Canyon. I have some GPS tracks from back in that area I can post up. Lots of easy relaxing riding back in there.

GPS tracks would be super helpful, I think. ;)


Well-Known Member
Greg's post will keep you on paved roads. Not sure if you want to, but if you want to hit some fire roads, my tracks would basically cut out from Strawberry (south side) and take you straight across to Highway 6 (well, not straight across, but you get the point :p) via dirt roads.


Well-Known Member
Here's some of my tracks from last year (this weekend last year actually). I was camping up there, so you'll see these all come back to one point (the campsite), but if you keep following the trail down by point 34, it will take you out to Highway 6.



uıɐƃɐ ʇɐɥʇ op ʇ,uoʍ ı
Bountiful, UT
See if this works- (really huge map link)

Hey, you following me or something? That is really really close to the house I am living in. LOL :rofl:

Really though, I am about one street from there.

I don't know what I am most likely to do, but I have a feeling it's the Triumph this time. Dirt capable, rock averse. :greg:

Another time though, I would definitely steal away on the DRZ and break off the paved road, pitch hammock in nowheresville. I am headed to check out the tracks. Thanks!
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uıɐƃɐ ʇɐɥʇ op ʇ,uoʍ ı
Bountiful, UT
Ok, my bags are packed, my bike has fuel, and I found enough $$ for to refill a few times, if I need to. I even brought a 1gal. fuel can, just in case.
I am considering Hobble Creek area, or maybe ........

Whoa, this was supposed to post yesterday, when I left. Something must have gone wrong.
Also, I am realizing this should have gone into the ATV forum. Can a mod move it?


Well-Known Member
Which hammock tent do you have, and how do you like it? I've been thinking about getting one, but I question how much I'd actually use it.
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uıɐƃɐ ʇɐɥʇ op ʇ,uoʍ ı
Bountiful, UT
I have the Hennessy Hammock Expedition Asym. It's ok. I accidentally damaged it somehow, and the bug net pulled apart, so I left it this time, took the rain fly and another hammock I have that has no bug net. It didn't work out well together, but it kept me off the ground at least, and while some leaves and sticks blew down, none of them hit me in the face, so it's a win.
I will probably make my own rain fly to use with this hammock, and repair the HH as well.
I love the hammocks, but I think it's important to have a large enough rain fly, so you can stash you things where they won't get we also. It's a balancing act though, because you have to find a place to put them that's not on the ground if it's going to rain. I love sleeping in the hammocks though.
I am writing a ride report right now, I will drop the link in when it's complete.


Well-Known Member
Great trip report.

FYI, you don't need to pay money to drive the alpine loop. THey charge you because they assume you'll stop and park somewhere. If you're just driving on through it's free.


Well-Known Member
I read that report the other day and thought that this was you. Welcome and keep posting up your trips or trip requests. If it was another weekend i might have gone with you.