I have some questions about selling my house....


Pretend Fabricator
So we have reached that point in our life that it is time for some more space, We are going to be listing our house some time this summer.

I feel that paying a realtor 3% of the sale price to help you sell your house is a crock of crap. Does anyone have any experience selling your house and not using a realtor??? Or should I buck up and pay a realtor to sell my house for me?.?.?

Any advice is appreciated....

Deleted member 12904

My opinion is the same as any trade some are worth what they charge and some aren't. A good analogy is like someone doing mechanic work at home opposed to paying the shop. You're not going to have all the right tools it may take you a little longer and there might be some shortcut to miss out on but generally speaking with enough persistence and a reasonable level of intelligence you're going to save money. But for some people it's worth the money to not have the headache and have a quick turnaround and if use a good realtor in your house is priced fair that's exactly what will happen


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
I would at least attempt to sell it yourself first. Put it out on KSL, sign in the yard/window, spread the word through whatever social media channels you belong to. Honestly I think the financing company/Title companies do far more than a Realtor does once a buyer and seller have decided on a price.

Deleted member 12904

Something I did on my last house I sold that some people may have some moral difficulty with is that I would use my iPad and iPod with the voice recording app and then just leave them facedown on the coffee table or kitchen table recording. We found that the feedback we got from the realtors was generally just a downright lie but being able to hear what people said as they walk through your house give us some honest feedback and actually help us sell our house much quicker.


I hate Jeep trucks
Pleasant Grove
Something I did on my last house I sold that some people may have some moral difficulty with is that I would use my iPad and iPod with the voice recording app and then just leave them facedown on the coffee table or kitchen table recording. We found that the feedback we got from the realtors was generally just a downright lie but being able to hear what people said as they walk through your house give us some honest feedback and actually help us sell our house much quicker.

I don't think that is dishonest in the least. It's brilliant!
We have had good luck both with and without a realtor. In some ways, it is kind of like having a lawyer. If the buyer has a realtor, you might want one representing your interest. On some homes, you may want a realtor just to do all the legwork of getting it listed where it will be seen by other buyers and realtors.


Formerly WJ ZUK
the percentage is negotiable. If your house is an easy sell, someone might take 1 percent


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
We did a "for sale by owner". If you have a buyer, it's the way to go. Saves you the $,$$$ and the buyer as well. The title company does all the work. The realtor just finds you a buyer (not an easy thing to do at times)


Active Member
Midland, TX
i've heard that a realtor can get you more money for your house. whether or not that makes up for the fee, I dunno.

and that ipad idea is genius.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
...If the buyer has a realtor, you might want one representing your interest. On some homes, you may want a realtor just to do all the legwork of getting it listed where it will be seen by other buyers and realtors.

This. If you know someone that wants to buy your house is the only way I'd work without a realtor. A good realtor is worth the money IMO


Formerly black_ZJ
Average time on market in our neighborhood is about 10 days, last year when a neighbor passed away the family put the house on the market and sold for full asking price in under 3 hours. If you live in a desirable neighborhood where you feel you have a chance of selling it on your own then go for it, that's our plan for next year. Even after we bought our house we still had realtors knocking on the door with clients, so it should sell easily when we decide it's time.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
Our current realtor agreed to 2% for herself and actually put in the REPC that the buying agent will only get 2% as well. Legit


When we were looking, our realtor was invaluable. She called us many times in less than 10 minutes after a house had been listed. That's how you get the good ones. You have to be the first to see them. In your case, I'd try FSBO first, and see what happens. Just be aware that a lot of realtors have no problem lying to your face to scare you into certain things or to manipulate the outcome. If you are approached by a buyer with a realtor, beware of that possibility. I wouldn't hesitate to use a realtor again to buy a home but I'd probably try to give it a go myself first if selling. You can always put in your ad "no realtors" to try and get the buyer who is also trying to save.


Registered User
When we sold our house in 2012, I do not think I would have wanted to do it on my own. Just dealing with all the legalize (and covering my rear in the process) is worth some cash.