I need someone that knows someone......


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That can get my jeep past Inspection/emission. I have been talking to my insureance about insuring the vehicle if I register it as an OHV. They won't insure it unless it's licensed normally (and it's only like 12 bucks) so I was thinking of trying to get it licensed.

I have taillights ready to install, but not that taillights make the rest of it any more legal. I never want to drive it on the road--just maybe in Moab to and from the trail occasionally. I just want insurance so if I roll and injure someone, I"m covered.

So, does anyone know someone that can help me do this?



4x4 Addict!
That is going to be tough. First is it IM legal? That is usually the toughest. Second Don't you have anouther ZJ or did you get rid of it? Have you taken it for an inspection to get a list of what fails? They will need to tell what does not pass and then you can start to find out how to get by. They may not be able to find much if it is looked at item for item even though the whole of the rig looks way illegal. I may be able to help I need to get mine done this month and I will ask but the looks of that thing will probably scare the hell out of any inspector. PM me and we can talk Ive got some other ideas.


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I know there are people out there that will just sign off on it. I know of much worse death traps that are daily drivers and get passed every year. I'm not going to invest a ton of time or money to do this, I'm just hoping that there may be a sympathetic shop that 'll just sign off on it......



evanston wy
That's what I like about here in wyoming,no emission's or inspection's,just go to the cop shop get your vin checked......Done! Although there is some vehicles runnin around that should'nt.Good luck.


Registered User
Will it pass the emmission test? If so I may know someone who can help. If it wont pass that part then I am of no help. :-\
Take off one weekend and head to lower Colorado (Pueblo, Colorado springs) No safety or emissions there just a VIN check and take your money. Yea you need a PO box in CO and a new plate but it works as a last resort. All My jeeps are registered in CO because of it.