Idaho BDR


Active Member
1300 miles total, 900+ on dirt, amazing views, amazing people, can't wait to go back. We rode from Logan to Glens Ferry then jumped on the BDR and headed north. By the time we hit Darby Montana we were exhausted after 5 days of amazing trails and camping. The Lolo was closed and major rain was forecast for the upcoming days so we decided to call it and head home. We are already planning on heading back next summer to finish it. Highlights were the Macgruder and countless double tracks over multiple mountain ranges, the wild raspberry were poppin, ghost towns and old cemeteries. Yellow Pine is super cool, we took a break and ate dinner with some locals (all 18 year round residents) on the front porch of the Corner Pub. On our 3rd day we crossed 3 major ranges and the Salmon river 2 times doing 200 miles in one day. We only got lost 4 times, one being a 4 hour detour as the sun was setting. In total I think that we saw 8 other riders, 3 sXs's, and 3 overland rigs. The KLR handled it like a champ but after riding my friends Norden for 1/2 a day Im shopping for a new bike for next year. IMG_0075.JPGIMG_0091.JPGIMG_0133.JPGIMG_0148.JPGScreenshot 2023-08-09 at 10.20.28 AM.pngIMG_0063.JPG