

I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
ok so me and Meat decided to go for a ride today.we saw a few trucks down at the parking lot for the snakes.we head up there to see what was going on and as usual found nothing but ignorance.........

it was supposedly MEPCO day

this is going in to lower section of radiator rapids


now those who might be squinting this is a stock Cj with F(*&ing street tire.did i miss something.

so i take a walk up to see who is at Eagles Nest.i turn the corner at the top of radiator rapids to find this


now by all means i'm up for trying something new and challenging but come on WTF is a stock CJ with street tires doing on what was rated as a #5 trail .ok now moving on to the two that decided parking up and off the trail was ok.by all means feel free to explain yourselfs but really you have no explanation for it do you.the pictures taken proves your ignorance ,get a clue learn to read the sign at the begining of the trail and follow what it states.two lockers,a winch,expect body damage and please stay on the frigin trail will you.
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Registered User
ok untill the sign, I wasnt agreeing with you. and am still kind of the fence (no I wasnt one of these people nor have I ever been on this trail.)
When my friends and I go down to moab, my friends dad goes with in his stock cj5 4cyl. The only thing he has done to his jeep is the one piece axles in the back. He does the same trails as we do many of them 4+ and 5 he has to think more before he goes into them, but he never has any problems out of the ordinary. he does know what he can do and he knows the repercusions. Before I get off my soap box what I realy want to say is "dont underestimate a stock jeep, dont some it up to ignorance, but go ahead and blame all the stupidity directly on the driver." ok im done, sorry for the time waisted reading this. and after saying all that You wont see my slightly built cj on that trail so dont worry.


There is only one way a stock jeep will make it farther than he did, someone draging it. Also, a stock jeep would never make it through the first obstacle... he used the illegal bypass.


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
the thing is instead of clearing objects you have to bash your way through them or over them.just to let you in the cracker jack driver didn't make it up where he is pictured.second i can guaranty he used an illegal bypass that is so over used it looks like the trail.its the fact that an under prepared jeep was on a trail he didn't belong on and since he was up there and could not complete the trail he decided to help in widening the trail by turning around on it.
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I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
you know i have been thinking about that and what could be done there.there are some larger boulders that are off trail that could be winched in place.dig a hole to place the boulder/s better add some small rocks around the base up hill to help break up water as it comes down and cut down on erosion or even help build dirt back up on the up hill side.


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
i didn't give much time for a response i walked bytaking pictures of plates saying my thing .

really it comes down to people policing are own trails.not this shrug the shoulds looking to the side like you see nothing happening.if you are in a group and clearly see a vehicle that won't be making it up such a trail open your mouth and say something.


These go to 11

Wow that is bad! That widening is all in the last two years or so then. Only my guess, since the last time I was up there I did have to go over that rock... It was one of the things I remembered most :mad: Man... as I type this I just get more and more po'd. I am glad to see everyone so up for helping out on the other thread, this trail needs it.


Well-Known Member
You could drive a Semi past that rock now and not even touch it! Has the (big) rock been pulled back some? A few months ago that was a much tighter spot! Did you take any pics of the hillside at Eagles nest (the north side)? I am curious how much worse it has gotten.


Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
Did anyone see a red jeep wrangler on the snakes that same day that messed up his front steering bars ? When we were coming home from the west desert there was a red wrangler near Stockton that looked like it had a serious case of snake bites, his rear wheel was bent, and his front tires had soo much toe in that it looked cross eyed. He was driving about 15 MPH and his front tires were making a horrible noise like he was driving on slickrock doing tight turns with lockers on. I'm sure he toasted that set of tires.