I'll be in Price this weekend - July 28-29th


somewhat damaged
If anybody wants to meet up on either Sat or Sunday. I'm thinking about hitting an old trail that I haven't heard of anybody doing in a very long time if anybody wants to join.

Or we can run the others (JD, Diff, Pinnacles...)
Wish I could, but I'm going down for other reasons too... and it's just too far to bring the buggy up from Price.
Some of the locals(King Crawlers) are going to hit Steel Horse on sat. I am most likely not going, but I know anyone is always welcome. The new pres of CCKC wants to confirm/check on some of the land issues with this trail in hopes of running it with U4 this fall.
I would love to hear more about any trail(your old one you have not heard talk of) we have not yet turned into the BLM, as the day is coming sooner or latter that they will close every thing they don't know about and even those they just don't like.
Some of the locals(King Crawlers) are going to hit Steel Horse on sat. I am most likely not going, but I know anyone is always welcome. The new pres of CCKC wants to confirm/check on some of the land issues with this trail in hopes of running it with U4 this fall.
I would love to hear more about any trail(your old one you have not heard talk of) we have not yet turned into the BLM, as the day is coming sooner or latter that they will close every thing they don't know about and even those they just don't like.

Where is Steel horse and what time are they leaving? I might not make it in that early, It sounds like I'm leaving from here Saturday morning to go down there.
We (me and al) are the only ones confirmed for running steel horse on sat and would LOVE some company. We want to 1) GPS this trail for future use and hopes to keep it open, and 2) Run it in hopes to have it as one of the trails for the U4's fall run as greatscott stated
I have not personally run the trail, but those I have talked to state is is a fairly good trail, 3 to 4 rated stuff for the most part, but the last obstical is a solid 5. Last time it was run everyone that went had to be winched up it... so you have been warned, but I still would like some company. I'm still trying to get a couple other guys that I'm calling, we'll see...
So far the plan is to meet at Gas N' Go in Price (150 West 100 North) at 9:00am then head out from there if you would like to join us but want to meet a little later let me know and we can wait a little bit
Not sure how long it will take to run the trail, but i'm even up for running a couple if we have time (I say running but i'll prob have to ride if they are too serious, my toy is still stock)
Just let me know, you can even call me if you want, i'll pm ya with my number
jet_aj - PM your number and I'll get you mine. I probably won't leave SLC until around 8:00 am and when I get into Price I'll need to load the buggy up on the trailer unless I can get to the trail from Wood Hill.
OK, that sounds like a plan, lets plan on meeting when ya get into price. prob will have to load in on the trailer. Lets plan on meeting at Gas N Go at say, 10:30 for a few minutes to gas up and wait to see if anyone else wants to join in... If that sounds good to you then I'll put the word out for anyone else that may want to come.