In Case of Emergency - your trip plans


Well-Known Member
This thread is to help loved ones find you. I know we could all be better about telling people our trip plans: where we're going, for how long, and when we'll be back. This thread could be a good place for spouses, family members, and other RME members to look out for each other.

If you're going on a trip somewhere, post where you'll be and when you expect to be back. Check in when you get back. If nobody's heard from you in a day or two, we'll have a general idea of where you are.
I do that on Facebook; my family have no idea what RME is or what my screen name is if they did. Also, everyone on my FB friends list know my full name, description and can identify my body.
I agree, you might get a ton of wild goose chases from people forgetting to say they made it home too.

Has this been a problem?
This is why I carry a SPOT device. :) I do let my wife know where I'm going always, but my trips often run long. Having a SPOT just makes it so if there really is a problem, I have a way to communicate that.