Is the motorized community winning the access battle?

Is the motorized community winning the battle for access on our public lands?

  • Yes, the trails we enjoy today will be around for years to come.

    Votes: 2 2.5%
  • No, we're losing too much too fast!

    Votes: 54 68.4%
  • I'm not sure or I don't know enough to make a judgement about this.

    Votes: 19 24.1%
  • Who cares, I like to wheel on man-made obstacles.

    Votes: 4 5.1%

  • Total voters
Anybody ever done the Little Deer Creek trail before it was shut down from the bottom?

I went through there last summer. Is it closed because of the construction? It should only be temporary since that's a road on the current travel map. I'll look into it.
From what I can tell the next two years are key. If we loose the travel plan fight we are really in a fix.

Exactly right. Every FS unit and BLM field office will be reviewing and revising their travel plans in the next two years. We will definitely lose some trails in the process. How much we lose depends on how active people get.

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
We're winning some battles on county roads and we'll keep those, but I suspect we'll lose a lot more trails due to the fact that too many people just don't have any respect and keep causing needless damage.


Bald Guy
I think it is a small group of people who get the trails closed. Maybe I am blinded, but it seems when I am out on the trails, be it in Moab, AF, etc. it is the people who don't really wheel, per se, and go out being jackasses, leaving trash, getting drunk in the car, and tossing the beer cans out the window. These same people have no regard for areas that are closed, (such as on trails in Moab) because they only go there once a year, and their truck has a big lift and tires on it, so they think, "I am gonna go 4 wheeling!" I go with people who are oftentimes picking up trash, and other ungodly pieces of who knows what, throwing it in the back of my rig and bringing it home for the trash. As an example, the guy who recently posted up a video of himself ripping through Forest Lake-I know he is sorry and all that, but for the people who want all these trails closed, that is huge ammunition. I know it has been suggested a handout be given to new 4x4 buyers, but what about possibly signs that are posted, in explicit terms right at the beginning of trails? I suppose I am just rambling, but I really believe that most people who use the trails regularly are acutely aware of the image they are NOT trying to perpetuate, and those that aren't, well those are the ones I am concerned about.

Keep it up guys! Pick up trash! Stay on the trail! I want my 2.5 year old be able to hit up the same trails I do in 15 years!


These go to 11
I really believe that most people who use the trails regularly are acutely aware of the image they are NOT trying to perpetuate, and those that aren't, well those are the ones I am concerned about.

I think that is dead on. We (active wheelers/forum members) get all riled up and argue the finer points of the issue with each other, while the bad apples are not even here to learn the lesson.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
I think that is dead on. We (active wheelers/forum members) get all riled up and argue the finer points of the issue with each other, while the bad apples are not even here to learn the lesson.

I'm gonna start letting offenders I see know I don't appreciate them. If I have to put a tire on their hood to get the point across, I will.


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
....... I know it has been suggested a handout be given to new 4x4 buyers, but what about possibly signs that are posted, in explicit terms right at the beginning of trails? ......

Interesting concept. Kinda like the 'Adopt a Highway--maintained by xxxyyyy group' on the highways? I wonder what a sign like that costs (probably silly-rediculous $$$ because of how people price government contracts) per unit to put up. Then you've got all the land manager issues (Forest Service has VERY specific signage requirements, I know---I don't know about the other agencies)/hurdles to jump through to get them put up.

Then we've got the vandalism problem to deal with also.


Bald Guy
FWIW, my wife's family owns a metal fabrication shop, and they could laser cut some signs, assuming we could get the clearance to do so...??


Provo, Utah.
I was Impressed to see the RME sign at the begining of constrictor. Showed a sense of ownership. Not being a current member I realized that I should show some respect.

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
280+ views and only 42 votes; that is a shame; a post like this should be the busiest and the votes should be over whelming.

just my thought on this.