Jeep 4.0 fuel line problem


Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
I had to go and rescue the wife last night because she started smelling gas and leaving a trail of gas behind my son's 87 Comanche. What we found was that the rear fuel rail hose had been rubbing on the oxygen sensor and wore a hole through it. She is lucky it didn't catch fire. I called the dealer to pick up a new line but they no longer make it and no dealer in the states had one. The hose is steel from the fuel filter forward to about the last foot of the line where it turns to rubber. Could a hose place could replace the rubber section and re-crimp the ends back on or is the fuel rail connector not a standard type fitting that they could get ? Or am I stuck with either splicing it with a short piece of metal hose and hose clamps or scrounging around at the wrecking yards for a Comanche ? Unfortunately MJ are not the same as XJ as far as this line is concerned. Any ideas ?


Salt Lake

Well I would say your best bet would be to go junkyard hopping although you can go to their is a guy on their that has like a million and two comanches and parts for everything you could think of and maybe get one off of that. His name is JeepcoMJ he has so many of these vehicles.
Have you tried Ebay? Good luck trying to find them it is really difficult to find these tricky parts.


Starting Another Thread
Sunny Arizona
Dave, if that tubing is a standard size (like 3/8" for example), you could cut out the bad section and install a compression fitting.


Long Jeep Fan
Holladay, Utah
Dave, if that tubing is a standard size (like 3/8" for example), you could cut out the bad section and install a compression fitting.

The hole is in the rubber section of the hose. I'll have to measure it to see what size it is and see what I can do. To get it home I installed a second metal fuel filter in line where the hole was. Unfortunately this puts it right next to the exhaust manifold.

I'll check some of the other places mentioned and see what I can find, thanks.