Jeep Safari EA comment period ; Letters needed!


I luv Pritchett
The BLM has published its EA (Environmental Assessment) for the RR4W Jeep Safari 5-year permit, which expires at the end of this year. Whether you are an EJS fan or not, it is imperative that we all write to the BLM supporting Alternative A, which basically grants the permit as requested. (Alternate B would deny several routes, including Pritchett and others, and Alt. C would deny the permit completely.) The EA for this permit is not only for EJS and Labor Day Campout, but for all other motorized, non-competitive events that require permits on EJS trails.

Even though the EA does not effect casual motorized use (i.e. use that does not require a permit), the denial or restriction of the EJS permit would set disasterous precedent for Moab trails. Once "permitted" use is banned, how long do you think it would be before some of these trails are closed to ALL motorized use?

PLEASE go to and download the document (its a PDF file), read through it, and WRITE A LETTER TO THE BLM SUPPORTING ALTERNATIVE A. The public comment period runs through October 31.

Jeff Stevens
Moab Friends-For-Wheelin'
Red Rock 4-Wheelers


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
If you've never written a letter before, NOW IS THE TIME. Take your time, have someone review your letter for grammer and spelling (and to make sure you got your point across---basicly the only thing you need to get across is that you support Alt. A so you can continue to enjoy the trails that you have used in the past and send it off) and get it in the mail.

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
While I don't agree 100% with Alternative A, it is by far the most acceptable choice. My letter will be going out on Monday morning.

Todd Adams

Grammy's Spotter
Salt Lake City
Rick B said:
While I don't agree 100% with Alternative A, it is by far the most acceptable choice. My letter will be going out on Monday morning.
Just out of curiosity is it the exclusive use of trails you disagree with or something else? We have already had more than a good discussion on this board about that but I was interested if there was something else you had a problem with. Just trying to get a perspective of a non-Red Rock 4 wheeling native of Moab.


2024 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon 392
Herriman, UT
Although option B loses us Pritchett at least the "self pronounced Gods" of Moab wouldn't be able to take all the trails away at EJS. I'm almost leaning that way. I've only been to the EJS one time and after waiting on Hells Revenge for an hour while they had lunch in the middle of the road, on the only place you couldn't get by, then the next day having the same thing happen on GS, GBR, PSM, I was so mad I've never been back to EJS. I went down thinking it would be great getting together with all my fellow wheelers and then after that happened...well lets just leave it at I do my Moab wheeling before or after EJS.

I haven't wriiten my letter yet though. Change my mind.


I luv Pritchett
Originally posted by Medsker
Although option B loses us Pritchett at least the "self pronounced Gods" of Moab wouldn't be able to take all the trails away at EJS. I'm almost leaning that way. I've only been to the EJS one time and after waiting on Hells Revenge for an hour while they had lunch in the middle of the road, on the only place you couldn't get by, then the next day having the same thing happen on GS, GBR, PSM, I was so mad I've never been back to EJS. I went down thinking it would be great getting together with all my fellow wheelers and then after that happened...well lets just leave it at I do my Moab wheeling before or after EJS.

I haven't wriiten my letter yet though. Change my mind.

I'm assuming that you are refering to the RR4W as the "self pronounced gods of Moab"... If I am wrong, I apologize, if I am right, then my only comment is we are glad that you will not be back to EJS in the future. That is a topic for another thread.

Here is one good reason why you should support Alternate A:

In the EA, the BLM states that virtually all of the percieved damage to the trails is caused by people other than the EJS participants. If some (or all) trails are closed to permitted use, as SUWA and other greens want, how long do you think it will be before they come back with this: "The BLM closed these trails because of the damage that was occuring during Jeep Safari, but it has continued. They must close the trails to all motorized use!" This is the way they use the system, twist the facts. Denying a permit for a legitimate use (especially on a trail like Pritchett or Hey Joe Canyon, which receive virtually no damage from the permitted use), is the first and easiest step toward permanent closure.

That's my take on things. If you don't like the crowds or politics of EJS, please stay away that week. But if you like to wheel in Moab at any time, please let the BLM know that you support Alternate A.

Jeff Stevens
Moab Friends-For-Wheelin'
Red Rock 4-Wheelers

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
So, for those of us who are not the most gifted of letter writers. Is there an example of a letter out there that would get our point across?


Sandy, Ut
Medsker said:
Although option B loses us Pritchett at least the "self pronounced Gods" of Moab wouldn't be able to take all the trails away at EJS....


I don't think they are "self-pronounced", remember all the many things they have done in the area to keep trails OPEN to everyone, YEAR ROUND!

There is no doubt that their dilegence and EIS monies have kept a good majority of the trails off of the SUWA hitlist.

PS, out of all the trails to run in Moab, if you can't fine one to run when they have limited acess on just a minority... you should stay home.

Snagged from an older RME thread:
greenjeep said:
...Many of you are aware of the lawsuit concerning the Strike Ravine trail, but how many of you are aware that so far that case has cost the RR4Ws almost $10,000 in less than a year. Or that we have a similar "trail cutting through state sold and now private property" issue on the Flat Iron Mesa trail. Or that if the private property on top of Moab Rim is sold to an anti-recreationalist group, we will most likely face an even bigger lawsuit than we are now handeling!


I doubt if very many of you are aware, but in order for the BLM to approve of any trail to be used by jeepers there must be an Envirnmental Assesment (EA) done to the area of land the trail runs through to determine the effect motorized vehicles will have on the local ecosystem. And I imagine even fewer of you know that many of the trails in Moab had there last EAs done in 1985 and that those EAs only covered a 20 year span, therefore they will need to be redone in 2005. The proplem is EACH of those EAs cost $50,000!! And because the RR4Ws are the group applying for the permit, it is the RR4Ws who will have to pay for these EAs to be done, this could easily approach the $500,000 mark. If we don't pay for the EAs, the BLM has ever right to PERMINATLY CLOSE DOWN THE TRAILS with the expired EAs, not just to the RR4Ws or EJS, but CLOSE THEM TO EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now how do you feel about supporting the RR4Ws? ;)

Every person that registers for Safrari pays to help us keep the Moab trails open...

David Adams
RR4W Land Use Officer

Todd Adams

Grammy's Spotter
Salt Lake City
Thanks for digging that up Kurt. Some people just don’t get it. The EJS drew less than 1300 vehicles as registered participants last year but Safari week brought in over 5000 Jeeps! Could be closer to 10,000 but I don’t have the figures. It is not the registered and permitted EJS runs that are creating the problem. The only time we ever have lunch “on the Trail” is due to a problem with other users that are not registered in front of us. Every trail has a designated lunch spot off the trail so that we will not block the trail but if other users in front of us block the trail, we don’t have much of a choice. This problem had gotten worse over the years as the non-EJS folks have outnumbered us on the more popular trails.
My advice to everyone that comes to Moab during EJS week is to pick up one of the Safari papers that are all over town and chose a trail that is not being run that day by the RR4WR’s. Of course you will still have to wait but then you can’t blame us.


Cause it's green, duh!
Moab Local!
Todd Adams said:
My advice to everyone that comes to Moab during EJS week is to pick up one of the Safari papers that are all over town and chose a trail that is not being run that day by the RR4WR’s. Of course you will still have to wait but then you can’t blame us.

Thank you.

And also, thanks for your support Kurt.

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
Todd Adams said:
Just out of curiosity is it the exclusive use of trails you disagree with or something else? We have already had more than a good discussion on this board about that but I was interested if there was something else you had a problem with. Just trying to get a perspective of a non-Red Rock 4 wheeling native of Moab.

OK, you asked for my perspective, so here it is.

Yes, exclusive use is part of it, another part is the one way only on several of the trails. I'm still pissed off about Hell's Revenge being made one way only last spring & haven't even been up on it since shortly after that was done, actually it's the portion of the trail outside SFRA that pisses me off, they can do whatever they want inside SFRA as far as I'm concerned.

I very rarely venture out during EJS, usually only if someone I know comes to town during that time. Even during the 18 years I lived away from Moab I always tried to talk people out of coming to Moab anywhere close to Easter, but when your kids have Spring Break at that time that's when you take your trips. On those rare occaisions that I am out & about during EJS I try very hard to steer my guests away from the trails that are being used on particular days by EJS, but that's because I don't like to be around large groups of people on the trail. I feel that the trails should be open to everyone if they want to be out there, anytime they want to be out there.

I also feel that exclusive use sets a bad precedent. What's to keep other groups from demanding it for their events? Now we could potentially have trails closed for exclusive use 10 or more weeks out of the year instead of just one. What's to keep the anti-access groups from finding a way to demand the trails for their exclusive (non)use somehow? I feel that it opens up a big legal loophole that could eventually be used to deny access to everyone.

I felt RR4W mad a huge mistake when they voted to keep Jeep Safari at Easter. If they had moved it to mid May & made it always the same week I believe 95% of their issues would've been taken care of. It also would've made it much easier for local law enforcement to actually do some law enforcement during Easter week. Remember back in the mid to late '80's when Moab was a party destination for Spring Break? Local law enforcement finally started doing something about it & things got much better, until it became the latest cool thing to be into 4-wheeling & suddenly there is a new reason to come party in Moab for Spring Break. Disassociation from the party crowd would've eliminated almost all of the current conflicts and cut the number of "renegade groups" (btw, I really hate the way RR4W uses that term) that are out on the trails during Jeep Safari by at least 90%.

So that's my non-RR4W member, Moab local perspective.


Sandy, UT
What is the best way of sending the comments? I breezed through the EA pretty quick but didn't notice specific instruction on sending comments. Snail mail to the Moab office address, or is there a good email address?


Todd Adams

Grammy's Spotter
Salt Lake City
EZRhino said:
What is the best way of sending the comments? I breezed through the EA pretty quick but didn't notice specific instruction on sending comments. Snail mail to the Moab office address, or is there a good email address?

Since it is very easy to print off and put in the mail not to mention the best way to get heard I will be mailing in mine the old fashion way.

After reading the EA it looks like the BLM will take what SUWA members write with a grain of salt since the BLM could not substantiate the user conflict issues with Registered Jeep Safari participants.

My thoughts on this are: that if we are not showing at least a few people the right way to conduct themselves while on the trail and to spread the word, then no one will and chaos will become the norm. Then there will be cause to close trails.

Todd Adams

Grammy's Spotter
Salt Lake City
Rick B said:
OK, you asked for my perspective, so here it is.

Yes, exclusive use is part of it, another part is the one way only on several of the trails. I'm still pissed off about Hell's Revenge being made one way only last spring & haven't even been up on it since shortly after that was done, actually it's the portion of the trail outside SFRA that pisses me off, they can do whatever they want inside SFRA as far as I'm concerned.

I very rarely venture out during EJS, usually only if someone I know comes to town during that time. Even during the 18 years I lived away from Moab I always tried to talk people out of coming to Moab anywhere close to Easter, but when your kids have Spring Break at that time that's when you take your trips. On those rare occaisions that I am out & about during EJS I try very hard to steer my guests away from the trails that are being used on particular days by EJS, but that's because I don't like to be around large groups of people on the trail. I feel that the trails should be open to everyone if they want to be out there, anytime they want to be out there.

I also feel that exclusive use sets a bad precedent. What's to keep other groups from demanding it for their events? Now we could potentially have trails closed for exclusive use 10 or more weeks out of the year instead of just one. What's to keep the anti-access groups from finding a way to demand the trails for their exclusive (non)use somehow? I feel that it opens up a big legal loophole that could eventually be used to deny access to everyone.

I felt RR4W mad a huge mistake when they voted to keep Jeep Safari at Easter. If they had moved it to mid May & made it always the same week I believe 95% of their issues would've been taken care of. It also would've made it much easier for local law enforcement to actually do some law enforcement during Easter week. Remember back in the mid to late '80's when Moab was a party destination for Spring Break? Local law enforcement finally started doing something about it & things got much better, until it became the latest cool thing to be into 4-wheeling & suddenly there is a new reason to come party in Moab for Spring Break. Disassociation from the party crowd would've eliminated almost all of the current conflicts and cut the number of "renegade groups" (btw, I really hate the way RR4W uses that term) that are out on the trails during Jeep Safari by at least 90%.

So that's my non-RR4W member, Moab local perspective.
I appreciate your perspective and do not wish to start another discussion about Trail Ownership during EJS. But I would like you to remember that the only way to make change is to get involved and that if you had been a member of RR4WR’s your single vote may have been the one that would have moved the dates.


I luv Pritchett
Originally posted by Todd Adams:
I appreciate your perspective and do not wish to start another discussion about Trail Ownership during EJS. But I would like you to remember that the only way to make change is to get involved and that if you had been a member of RR4WR’s your single vote may have been the one that would have moved the dates.

Well said, Todd.

Rick, I have asked you in other threads why you have never been a part of RR4W. I lobbied very hard to change the date of EJS last year. The meeting when the vote took place was probably the best attended meeting I have ever seen. In fact, some members actually paid past-due memberships for other members, just so they could come and vote. The vote was extremely close, but failed in the end. If we had more passionate people involved, such as yourself, the outcome might have been different. The fact is, we now have to work with what we have, and the issue at hand is the EA. Alternate A is clearly the only acceptable choice. I hope everyone will see that for what it is, and write a letter of support.

Originally posted by EZ Rhino:
What is the best way of sending the comments? I breezed through the EA pretty quick but didn't notice specific instruction on sending comments. Snail mail to the Moab office address, or is there a good email address?


The best way to submit your comments is to snail mail them to:

Bureau of Land Management
Moab Field Office
82 East Dogwood
Moab, UT 84532

Originally posted by James K:
So, for those of us who are not the most gifted of letter writers. Is there an example of a letter out there that would get our point across?

I am in the process of writing my (rather involved) letter now. I will post it when I am finished, feel free to use it for ideas.

Jeff Stevens
Moab Friends-For-Wheelin'


Sandy, Ut
Repost from me:

Six trails for one day... six trails out of the 50+ in the area that are open 365 days a year. Lets assume they get their six trails, lets also assume there are 50 total trails in the area (way more in all reality). So they are asking that .000329% of the trails/per year be closed in favor of their activity...

A couple notes about that .0003%
1. Are they more than .0003% of the areas yearly tourism revenue - YES
2. Do they donate more than .0003% of the Search & Rescue Budget - YES
3. Does RR4W contribute more than .0003% of the areas Land-Use efforts YES
4. Is the RR4W responsible for more than .0003% of the areas trails being open, IMHO - YES

Numbers don't lie... This is a small request on their part IMHO :cool:

...Utah is a HUGE place (Moab represents less than 5% of the states trails, roughly), if you have a couple days off, see something new, don't complain when you head to Moab and decide the EJS draws too many people (remembering the FACT that less than 25% of the wheelers in Moab during Easter are actual EJS participants)...

In regards to the date change, I have opinions on both sides... It would definatly make a better time for the actual EJS participants and the RR4W. Remember that the RR4W's make all the added law enforcment, search and rescue, and trail clean-ups possible, non-paying EJS participants give little or nothing to the S&R, BLM, etc, sure, they give huge to the towns economy, but not the support infastructure that keeps the place sane. But it is important to remember that "Spring Breakers" will also require that amount of enforcment, search & rescue (remember the 4Runner... point blank!), and cleanup. How long do you think the trails will remain open if all the partiers were there alone?

I have been attending Jeep Safari (admittingly as a non-paying freeloader ;)) for the last 7 years (since I could drive). I am yet to have any conflict with the trails guided by RR4W's, as many have pointed out, it is VERY easy to pick up a newspaper with their schedule, and plan accordingly. Mabey the RR4W club could post these schedules around town the week of the event, might lead to less headaches on both sides?

But, I have also witnessed the craziness that goes on during the Easter weekend in Moab. I used to make a point of spending many hours at Potato Salad, Dump Bump, and Lions Back watching the insane antics... I now make a point of not getting near those spots as they have grown to parallel many things I don't agree with (also remember that those 3 "hot spots" have nothing to do with the official EJS either).

I have done Pritchett on a busy day, in addition to numerous trails that the RR4W was running that day, I just chose to do them at different times, and get out of the way as the official group comes through, as of late I just plan on hitting a different trail that day, reduces headaches on both sides, and I am more than willing to support them if just by respecting their event.

In the future I plan to go to the actual EJS, I planned to the last couple of years (since I got involved with the landuse/club/association scene), but I have spent most of my time at the venor booth talking with individuals about keeping Moab open, etc. Most of those I talk with, are completely behind RR4W and their trail planning, etc...

To those that think "other" interest groups could "rent" the place and block us out... Not likely at all. Remember that the exclusive use RR4W is asking for, applies ONLY to full size vehicles, all other user types can continue on as nothing has changed. In addition, RR4W & EJS isn't your average interest group, their heritage and longevity precede them.

To those that can do it better than RR4W or match the amount of influence they have keeping trails open in Moab, please do. Start a club, offer memberships and I will be the first one to join. I am a proud member of RR4W due to the fact the WALK not TALK, I will gladly join ANY other 4x4 groups that takes the initiative to do something besides critisize the current system. Armchair quarterbacks, here is your call to the big leagues ;)