JeepinJoe is unavailable


Formerly YJMAMA
Magna, UT
Due to a family medical emergency Joe will be unavailable for at least the next few days. He ask me to let people know if you are buying parts from him contact me.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Lisa. Wife had a seizure at dialisys that lead to her smacking the floor with her face. Broken nose and lots of stitches. Plus now she has a drainage tube in her brain because of bleeding. All is good and she's on the upswing. I'll touch base now and then here, as the hospital will not allow me to stay the night w/ her.


In our experience the hospitals don't seem to want the spouses to stay. When we had our baby they only had a reclining chair for Braden to stay the night in. It sucked. I think they should incourage the spouse to spend the night, as it would make for a quicker recovery. They really should wheel in a bed. Hope all is well Joe, give Angie our best.