John Swallow debating Jim Matheson- KUED


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Both were asked about "wilderness" and what they believe in. Jim Matheson answered first- he pretty much did the ol' political bob and weave and didn't really answer the question. Matheson mentioned all of the different groups (hunters,sportman, OHV user etc.), but never said where he stood. Swallow gave a very knowledgeable answer which included his difference of opinion on RS2477 with Matheson. He also supports soem wilderness but believes that "Wilderness Study Areas" should have a time limit in which Congress can vote it into wilderness or it will be returned to it's previous use. Multiple use was his stance.

I have never been a big John Swallow fan, but he definately impressed me with his answers tonight.

Anybody else watch??


Suddenly Enthusiastic
Didn't watch that, but a similar exchange took place in the Huntsman/Matheson (the other one) debate. I know I'll be voting for both Huntsman and Swallow. :)