Jolting of something as clutch releases


Kill cookies! Make'm pay
Park City, UT
I seem to be on an endless quest to have everything come together and work perfectly on my jeep in one big nirvana-like crescendo. It hasn't happened yet. The latest in my string of "fix-one-thing-only-to-discover-that-there-is-another-problem" is a jolting that occurs as the clutch releases. It feels like the driveshaft is rotating a little bit before it actually engages. It is not a huge jolt, but enough for me to know, "thats not right". I took apart the rear end and everything looked fine. U joints all seem to be fine. That leaves the transfer case or something I missed in the rear end, or the front end. I own a 2000 TJ. Does the front driveshaft still rotate even when not engaged?
To accompany the little jolt, there is also a sound like something is loose either in the suspension, or in the drivetrain. I am not sure if the jolt and the rattle are from the same issue. Dear God I hope they are! I noticed on my rear coil springs on the passenger side where it might be rubbing-catching and then popping as it releases-on the housing. But the noise comes not just when I am driving over bumps and things that would cause the spring to flex.
Does the path to enlightenment leads through jeep ownership.


Kill cookies! Make'm pay
Park City, UT
I replaced my rear control arms about a year ago and the bushings kept going out on them (teraflex). When the bushings would go out there was definitely a lot of play and it would jolt when I would start or stop quickly. About four months ago I upgraded to a better control arm that doesn't have that same problem I am wondering if the play that the bad bushings (teraflex grrrrr.....)allowed for damaged something else? Mounts? Maybe. I suck at this stuff.
Oh, and it only does the "jolting" when I am letting out the clutch going forward-in reverse it is smooth as the day I bought it. Ahhhh. .. and what a day it was! I'm getting teary.