Just found out


We are having the Girl that my wife has been wanting. We have 2 boys now and the girl is due in Sept. What am i going to do???


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
I've bought a LOT(well, compared to what I had) of firearms since my daughter was born about 4.5 years ago. Someone suggested Bowie knives as well and I like that idea quite a bit.


Registered User
Arm Utah
Big congrats. She'll be so much sweeter and so much harder to raise than your boys, and it'll be worth every minute of it.
Girls are awesome! Congratulations! From a wife's perspective, it's so much fun to watch your big manly husband turn into putty as soon as that little girl makes her appearance. :) One word of wisdom, start saving for her shoes. You'll be amazed at how young they begin the shopping fetish!