Kanab RMP Meeting in SLC - 12/05/07 - Be there!!!


Sandy, Ut
Just like the Moab RMP, the Kanab RMP is underway also.

Take a minute and see what's going on here:

The U4WDA is doing our best to get a large number of 4x4 supporters to the SLC meeting.

What: Kanab RMP Meeting
Where: Salt Lake City Library, 210 E. 400 S. Salt Lake City
When: Dec. 5th, 6-8pm, stop by anytime throughout the duration
Who: Everyone


Q: What do I need to bring? What do I need to do to prepare?
A: In all reality nothing, just come with a good attitude and a professional appearance. The BLM will have officials there to educate you on the RMP process and what it means for motorized use in Kanab.

Q: I've never wheeled in Kanab, can I still help?
A: Absolutely!!! The BLM wants to hear from past users, current users, and future users. We need every motorized user to comment on these proposals. The anti-motorized community will have their voice heard, many of which have never even stepped foot in Utah. Don't let them be louder!

Q: I'm not in the greater Salt Lake area, what can I do?
A: Attend a meeting in your area, for a meeting schedule, see the following:

Q: There isn't a comment meeting in my area, what can I do?
A: Stay tuned for a future thread that will have talking points as well as a summary on the Kanab situation from the local 4x4 club, Canyon Country 4x4. At this point the U4WDA will be promoting an email/letter writing campaign.

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
Thanks Kurt,
It's important that everyone be involved in these RMP's
Whether you have wheeled in a paticular area or not, what happens effects everyone.
Some key parts of SUWA's Redrock Wilderness Act are located in areas affected by the Kanab RMP and they will be out in force on this one.


Sandy, Ut
We need to rally the same level of support that the Moab RMP received for each of the upcoming RMP's.

I don't have enough info to plan a meeting regarding the Price, Vernal, Monticello or Richfield. If clubs or individuals in the area can work up an "official" comment (such as Don Black is doing for Canyon Country 4x4 and the Kanab RMP, and RR4W & U4WDA did for the Moab RMP). I don't have the time nor local knowledge of the areas to make these ones happen on my own. However if they are submitted to me, I will make sure all the relevant info makes it to the U4 Website, gets plastered on the usual forums as well as host a comment party similar to our Moab one recently.

Re: Kanab RMP
In additon to the BLM Comment meeting on 12/5, mark your calendars for 12/12 in which we will be hosting another comment 'party' at LHM Jeep in Sandy. If I have info for the Price RMP I will have all of the information there for folks to comment on accordingly.



These go to 11
It was a relatively small turnout. I saw a few name listing u4 as there affiliation. Steve J, Steve E, Kurt and I were able to pick the brain of the BLM guys. I think we garnered a lot of good information. Some quick research is due. The Richfield Meeting is next wednesday.
U4 had the largest turnout of any single organization (7 people). We rock.

We also got some inside info. Here are detailed Alternative B maps by USGS Quad:


These maps are not available from the BLM online or through the printed DRMP/DEIS.