Kind of an interesting tidbit


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I was reading in the February issue of Utah CEO magazine and came accross this little blip...

"The Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, using numbers obtained by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, reported surprising numbers abuot the revenue generated by fishing and hunting activities in Utah and nationwide. Utah's 351,000 sportsmen spent more than $696 million on outdoor activities during 2006--enough to sustain 13,000 jobs across the state and generate more than $70 million in stae and local taxes. Nationwide, 34 million sportsmen spent more than $76 billion on hunting and fishing. this amount of revenue, compared to large corporations, is higher than many of hte country's top 20 business--more than Target, ATT, and Costco."

Thats not even taking into account non hunting outdoor activities involving OHV/ATV use. Thats a lot of $$ and jobs being generated by people that I imagine take advantage of motorized land use.


Formerly WJ ZUK
Sounds like were worth money to the right people. They just need to target our demographic.