Kitchen appliance hook ups\dealer connections?


Davis County
I don't have a hook up but a dude named Van Ormsby (sp) at the 21st RC Willey has sold us and my folks stuff for 30+ years. He's a funny little guy that always knocks down the price and usually works in free delivery and other odds and ends. Worth a shot.

If you want to feel a whole bunch better about what you spend @ RC Willey go get a quote from Duerden's first.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
My BIL works at RC Willey in Syracuse. He is @Wantaford or something like that on here, if he ever gets on here. He is in flooring, but he'll hook you up with an appliance guy. Jason Neese is his name.


Formerly WJ ZUK
I shopped everywhere then I go into rc and say give me your best price on these models. Usually they come back with the exact same prices. Then I tell them I'm ready right then, last shot. Saved me 450 on a fridge, microwave, and dishwasher. Usually helps that they spend less then 10 minutes with me
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I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
There are usually huge appliance sales in October for year end clearance sales… If you’re buying an entire kitchen it may be worth waiting an additional month.