KSL Comments. Recapture Canyon


Well-Known Member
If its getting overused by ATV's than closing it like they did west of Bluff as Mr. Sandburg states in the Trib ("Sandberg said he could recall only one other such action in the region, an area west of Bluff, that also was closed because of ATV overuse. ") will only compound the problem more. What have they done about that area to reopen it? Just where do they think that ATV use went?

They need to come up with a plan that can save the archaeological sites and still allow people to use the trails thus allowing people to see the archaeological history in that area.

I'm sure if the BLM asked, clubs and such would help restore the trails in order to keep them open.

If the BLM knew about this destruction before now. Why wait till now to have officers on patrol to keep it closed rather than to of been enforcing fines on those doing the damage? I know they cant be everywhere at once but they should of been able to catch one or two and make an example of them for others.

Just my 2 cents
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Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
The problem isn't the use of trails. The area is designated as open under the old RMP which means that legally you can drive anywhere. Closures such as this make it that you can no longer drive off of designated routes.

Now the BLM can start enforcing and citing people for driving off the trails
Unless we can stop the minority of jackasses from trashing everything they can put a tire on, we might as well give up now. What a waste.


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Supporting Member
The BLM should have been monitering the area before any damage was done. It shouldn't have to go from "open for cross country traffic" to "closed to all ATV access" over night.
The BLM should have been monitering the area before any damage was done. It shouldn't have to go from "open for cross country traffic" to "closed to all ATV access" over night.

I agree. Should is the operative word. Since "Won't" is more accurate, that's where our peer enforcement should come in.


Wandering the desert
Unless we can stop the minority of jackasses from trashing everything they can put a tire on, we might as well give up now. What a waste.

I agree with this. What the BLM/Parks should to is when they cite people make them attend an OHV class. At least this way they might learn a little. I've said it before, it's all about educating these people.


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Supporting Member
Who's going to fund the class? Who's going to teach it? The problem with the BLM is manpower. They don't have the manpower to keep up with all of the land use/abuse out there. They could probably hire a dozen new rangers in the Moab area alone if even half of the money that is being wasted in frivelous lawsuits could be channeled away.
It all comes down to private groups that need to step up and assist the BLM/FS with things they can't afford or do for themselves.


Wandering the desert
Who's going to fund the class? Who's going to teach it? The problem with the BLM is manpower. They don't have the manpower to keep up with all of the land use/abuse out there. They could probably hire a dozen new rangers in the Moab area alone if even half of the money that is being wasted in frivelous lawsuits could be channeled away.

DNR teaches an OHV class already, or did when I worked for them. It was taught by the State Park Rangers. The same ones who do OHV patrols in the Forests.

Edit: i checked it out and they only offer the youth class now 8-16 year olds. I know it once was open to all.
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