Land use challenge!!


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Hey all, I just wanted to see if I can stir up some passion here. I recently got the bug and joined U4WDA Blue Ribbon Coalition

Feels good to put my money where it will help fight to keep access sane. Anyways, a U4WDA membership is only $10, and the magazine/newsletter that you get is worth every penny of that.... so what's stopping you??

SUW* is getting big bucks from folks who watch PBS specials from their couch and never get out to explore the wonderful lands that we have available to us....They don't realize how vast some of these places are, or that they are currently used with very little impact on them by diverse groups of people. Let's raise the bar on our side of the battle and support the many folks (some on this board) that go out and take on that fight for us day in and day out. Hopefully our children will be able to enjoy the great priveliges that we have.
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Mother Deuce

Registered User
OCNORB said:
Hey all, I just wanted to see if I can stir up some passion here. I recently got the bug and joined U4WDA

Feels good to put my money where it will help fight to keep access sane. Iam feeling so goofy high because I plan on calling in sick and snowboarding all day tommorow!! Anyways, a U4WDA membership is only $10, and the magazine/newsletter that you get is worth every penny of that.... so what's stopping you??
I am sooo with you! I just signed up too and signed my husband up for Valentine's Day. We paid $15 a piece and happy to do it. What I can't figure out is why you would freeze your a$$ off when it's over 50 degrees in Moab. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Mother Deuce said:
I am sooo with you! I just signed up too and signed my husband up for Valentine's Day. We paid $15 a piece and happy to do it. What I can't figure out is why you would freeze your a$$ off when it's over 50 degrees in Moab. :confused:

1. I am like a polar bear
2. I work so hard at staying upright that I am sweating most of the time.
3. That's not nice to say to those of us unable to enjoy temps over 35 degrees!!!:D


I re-Joined USA-All a little while ago, and this thread reminded me to join U4WDA, and so I did that this morning.

Good job y'all.

Consider this a challenge to every RME'er out there. Join U4WDA as an RME member and the cost is only $10!! Right now, has more members in U4WDA than any other group. You're not going to let those punks at beat you are you?

Join U4WDA today!

Use our secure online form or pay via PayPal.

When you join U4WDA, you're not only helping the 4x4 community in Utah, but you're also getting some cool member benefits. Not only do you receive a one year subscription to our AWESOME magazine, but you'll also get discounts at 4-Wheel Parts, Rocklogic 4x4, Novak Conversions, Tom Woods, and the parts counter at LHM Jeep in Sandy.

How can you go wrong? You get all that for only $10!

Considering how active and concerned about land use all the RME members, we should have 100 U4WDA members from RME!

Join U4WDA today!


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Supporting Member
Took the kids to Brighton and it rocked!


(Don't tell my boss.):D


I run a tight ship... wreck
scoutabout said:
Good job y'all.

Consider this a challenge to every RME'er out there. Join U4WDA as an RME member and the cost is only $10!! Right now, has more members in U4WDA than any other group. You're not going to let those punks at beat you are you?

Join U4WDA today!

Use our secure online form or pay via PayPal.

When you join U4WDA, you're not only helping the 4x4 community in Utah, but you're also getting some cool member benefits. Not only do you receive a one year subscription to our AWESOME magazine, but you'll also get discounts at 4-Wheel Parts, Rocklogic 4x4, Novak Conversions, Tom Woods, and the parts counter at LHM Jeep in Sandy.

How can you go wrong? You get all that for only $10!

Considering how active and concerned about land use all the RME members, we should have 100 U4WDA members from RME!

Join U4WDA today! has more U4 Members than RME? :eek: Wow, they're a strong group! Come on guys, I bet we can beat their numbers, we have more people on here!

My U4 membership has expired and I just renewed it. Who else isn't a current member? RME members now qualify for the discounted club rate too, $10 a year! That's 1/4 the cost of filling the tanks of our rigs, very inexpensive for the benefits and the support you will help provide to an organization that fights to keep our trails opened, fights to keep modified rigs street legal and fights to help educate everyone about responsible land use! Plus, all the discounts from local shops, your $10 will pay for itself! Let's beat those UtahOffroad geeks! :D

Great idea about the challenge Corey! :hickey:


Registered User
this thread inspired me to sign up today for U4WDA, all the way over here from Illinois. I try to do my part all the way here from the midwest whenever I can, since i use the same trails, so I might as well support a local group as well.


I run a tight ship... wreck
IntrepidXJ said:
this thread inspired me to sign up today for U4WDA, all the way over here from Illinois. I try to do my part all the way here from the midwest whenever I can, since i use the same trails, so I might as well support a local group as well.

That's awesome!! Thanks for the support... from the mid-west! :hickey:


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
IntrepidXJ said:
this thread inspired me to sign up today for U4WDA, all the way over here from Illinois. I try to do my part all the way here from the midwest whenever I can, since i use the same trails, so I might as well support a local group as well.

YES! Thank you!

James K

NO, I'm always like this
Taylorsville, Ut
EZRhino said:
If you don't want the magazine then your membership will be $30 :)


I can live with that. I just hate how when you join something thay start sending you tons of mailer crap.

I just think there should be an option to just donate money and not get all the mailer BS.