Land use challenge!!


Sandy, Ut
James K said:
...I just think there should be an option to just donate money and not get all the mailer BS.

We could easily incorporate that... Let me know if your serious, Steve (scoutabout) could make a note on your membership.

On the other hand, have you seen the latest issues of the Compass? Trail cards, tech, lots of good local reading...

Besides the 4 quarterly Compass's, the only thing you should get from us is 4-5 run/event reminder postcards.

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
Is there an option to receive the Compass electronically??

Say printed to pdf that is small enough in size to email.

I would like that option.
Bone Down said:
Is there an option to receive the Compass electronically??

Say printed to pdf that is small enough in size to email.

I would like that option.

This is something we've considered. We haven't done it yet since the PDF we produce for the printer is 80 MB+. Also, we like to keep the print distribution as high as possible to attract advertisers.


somewhat damaged
I find it hard to believe that I didn't do this sooner. Here I was, complaining about all of the trails getting closed (or under attack for closure) and I wasn't even a member of an organization that is working to do something about it!

I mean, I've made it a point to donate at the 4x4 shows when I can, but I've just been a procrastinator for joining.

Join up everybody! Every one of you can make a difference and ensure our access to our public lands.


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
WOW 32 responses!! Much better than I thought this thread would do! I'm gonna bump it to the top and see if we can get some more action. Glad to see more people sign up. Remember your membership can help keep public lands public!