Hey all, I just wanted to see if I can stir up some passion here. I recently got the bug and joined U4WDA http://www.u4wda.org/and Blue Ribbon Coalition http://www.sharetrails.org/.
Feels good to put my money where it will help fight to keep access sane. Anyways, a U4WDA membership is only $10, and the magazine/newsletter that you get is worth every penny of that.... so what's stopping you??
SUW* is getting big bucks from folks who watch PBS specials from their couch and never get out to explore the wonderful lands that we have available to us....They don't realize how vast some of these places are, or that they are currently used with very little impact on them by diverse groups of people. Let's raise the bar on our side of the battle and support the many folks (some on this board) that go out and take on that fight for us day in and day out. Hopefully our children will be able to enjoy the great priveliges that we have.
Feels good to put my money where it will help fight to keep access sane. Anyways, a U4WDA membership is only $10, and the magazine/newsletter that you get is worth every penny of that.... so what's stopping you??
SUW* is getting big bucks from folks who watch PBS specials from their couch and never get out to explore the wonderful lands that we have available to us....They don't realize how vast some of these places are, or that they are currently used with very little impact on them by diverse groups of people. Let's raise the bar on our side of the battle and support the many folks (some on this board) that go out and take on that fight for us day in and day out. Hopefully our children will be able to enjoy the great priveliges that we have.
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